Division Dudes

A busy week of learning in Rainbow Class. 

English - We have been learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and how chocolate is made. 

Mathematics - We divided 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and then found remainders. 

PE - We have had three lots of PE this week, throwing,…

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We have had a very busy and very sunny week back at school. 


English - We have learnt about chocolate and reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Mathematics - We have been revising our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. 

Science - We planted seeds and placed them in unusual…

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Red Nose Fun

What a couple of weeks it has been. 

We have been so busy in Rainbow Class. 

Red Nose Day has arrived and this year it’s never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. We need the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting…

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Christmas Week

Christmas Week in Rainbow Class


Some of our class were readers in the Sunshine Class nativity 



We joined in the whole school virtual Carol  Concert 

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Week 13: Christmas Cracker

The top five moments of this Christmas week -

1. Monday - We wrote fantastic descriptions from The Jolly Postman. 

2. Tuesday - We had our special film afternoon watching The Grinch. 

3. Wednesday - We made envelopes for our Christmas activities. 

4. Thursday - We did a wonderful…

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Week 12: Step Into Elton's Christmas

Top Five Moments of the Week 

1. We had a surprise visit from Father Christmas' elf - he is called Elton. 

2. We have been counting in different steps in our Mathematics learning, steps of 2, 5, 10 and 3.

3. We have read The Jolly Postman and The Jolly Christmas Postman (and the Pocket…

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Week 11: Orang-utan Adoption

Top Five Moments from this week! 

1.We have done loads of learning about money! We have recognised coins, added coins together, found different combinations of coins that total the same amount and solved word problems. 

2. In Science, we have been learning about the characteristics of birds,…

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Week 10: Subtraction Superstars

Top Five Moments of the Week 

1.We have been learning how to subtract two 2-digit numbers with a 100 square.

2. We have been planning our non-fiction text about orang-utans. 

3. We have learnt about mammals and amphibians in Science. 

4. We have played football with the football coach,…

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Week 9: Children In Need

Top five moments this week - 

1. We learnt about the basic needs of animals in Science. 

2.We have learnt how to multiply using arrays. 

3. We did two PE lessons this week, one all about gymnastics and one with Dan the Football Coach. 

4. We learnt more about the orang-utans and we…

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Week 8: Orang-utan

Top Five Moments of Week 8: 

1. We enjoyed speaking about Bonfire Night, we learnt about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. 

2. We learnt all about orang-utans and read our new non-fiction book. 

3. In PE, we played football with the football coach and we balanced in gymnastics. 

4. We…

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Week 6: Silly Billy

Top Five Moments from Week 6

1. We have read Silly Billy and Operation Night Monster in English. 

2. We have been partitioning numbers and learning number bonds to 10. 

3. We enjoyed two PE lessons, one about dance and one with the football coach. 

4. We have been using atlas skills to…

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Week 2: Superhero Class

Week 2 - Top Five Moments 

1. We have been learning about superheroes and writing about Traction Man. 

2. We have been reading our new class novel 'Jeremiah in the Dark Woods'. 

3. We played football with the coaches at AFC Fylde. 

4. We have been adding numbers together. 

5. We…

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