Another Brilliant Week


Welcome to another blog for Year 5.

We have had another successful week of learning.

In English, we have carried on with our topic about the Amazon rainforest. Looking at what our characters have been getting up to in the story.

In mathematics, we have been looking at the mode and…

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Tickle those taste buds.... a balanced diet of chocolate and salad!

Our top ten moments of the week

“Multiplication speed challenge and our number bond speed test was really good” (JJ)

“Learning all about money and where it comes from in PSHXE” (Helen)

“Doing our spelling test and getting full marks” (Most the class)

“Designing our own crucifixes”…

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Operation: Kenya

Top five moments of the week -

1. We looked at tourism in Kenya. 

2. We have been learning about magnets in Science.

3. We taste tested pizza toppings and made pizza boxes. 

4. Mr Price taught us about right angles.

5. In Reading Skills we have been continuing The Sheep…

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Fun Fun Fun! - In Sunshine Class.

Image of Fun Fun Fun! - In Sunshine Class.

In Sunshine Class This Week….


We supported Red Nose Day by Wearing Red Clothes. We learned about, why we celebrate Red Nose Day, and the importance of giving to others.

We celebrated St. Patricks Day by, creating our own Green Hats, and writing down facts about St. Patrick. We had so…

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World Book Day for Sunshine Class!

Image of World Book Day for Sunshine Class!

This week in Sunshine Class….


We have been focusing on the fairy tale, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. In Literacy we talked about what we already know about the story, what new things we found out after reading it and what we would like to know next. We created the forest in the Role Play area…

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The Sheep Pig

Five things about The Sheep Pig -

1. Babe is a special piglet. 

2. Farmer Hoggett won the piglet at the village fair. 

3. Fly the Sheep Dog became very fond of the piglet. 

4. Mrs Hoggett wanted to fatten up the piglet for a roast dinner. 

5. Farmer Hoggett did not want to let Babe…

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Fantastic Five

Hello, welcome to another Year 5 blog. Written by Kyra and Niamh.


We have had lots of fun this week in class and have continued with lots of new learning.

Monday – In science, we have been looking at life cycles and we looked at amphibians. The most popular one was an axolotl.

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Top five moments of the week -

We sang Lion King and musical songs in a special Music assembly. 

We learnt more about The Sheep Pig and farmer Hogget.

We explored the Safari parks in Kenya. 

We learnt about volunteers and volunteering. 

We have written emails to our Alaskan pen…

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It's been a busy week in Sunshine Class this week!

Image of It's been a busy week in Sunshine Class this week!

This week in Sunshine Class……

We have been super busy. We have been continuing our Literacy learning around the ‘3 Little Pigs’. We have done wanted posters for the wolf, we have role played the story, and we have made our own alternative ending to the story.

In Maths we had a very exciting…

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The first signs of spring!

Snowdrops: The first signs of Spring - Mature Times

The first signs of spring

This week in Rainbows Class we have been looking at the first signs of spring,

On Monday we went for a spring walk and looked at things we could see, hear, think and feel, we put our ideas down and used these to start our spring poems , which we wrote on…

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Welcome back Year 6!

Week commencing 19 February 2024


In Mathematics we have revised our topic of algebra. Within this skill, this week we have found missing values within a formula and played algebra dominoes. Whilst revising perimeter and area (of squares, rectangles, and triangles) we have also incorporated…

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Welcome Back

This week in Diamond Class, we have been learning lots of new things.

In mathematics, we have been learning all about mixed number and improper fractions.

In English, we have started our new class book, The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. We are really enjoying this and finding out about the…

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