Moonbeam Class Pet

Moonbeam Class Pet!

What a busy week it has been in Moonbeam Class. We have got some class caterpillars that we are monitoring each day to see how they are growing, we can’t wait to see them turn into butterflies!

We also had the School pet Tortoise Daisy stay with us this week, it was so…

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We're going on a bear hunt!

Wow what another super busy week in Sunshine Class!


This week all of our learning has been based around the story We're going on a bear hunt!


We have learnt the phonics sounds   g  o  c  k


We have been focusing on the number 3


We used instruments to represent…

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What a wonderful start to year six!

Welcome to Gold class, I am Miss Eccles and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all of the children over the past few weeks. I look forward to more fun and learning throughout the term. 


We started our English topic this year by exploring powerful language in poetry. The children…

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Super Start to Sunshine Class


The children have settled amazingly into school life. Over the last few weeks we have been learning our new routines, making our own dinner choices, exploring our learning space and learning lots of new things.

We have been learning the following phonics sounds s, a , t, p, i , n , m…

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A fabulous start to Rainbow class

What a fabulous start we have had in Rainbow class. We have had 3 amazing weeks getting used to our new classroom and a little more work and a little less play. I am really impressed with how hard the children have all worked on their tasks, and our confidence levels seem to be growing by the…

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Welcome to Bronze Classes first blog of the year!

Welcome back to our weekly blog posts where you can see what we have been doing in Bronze Class each week. 

On Monday-Wednesday Mr Price teaches us. This week in Bronze Class we have been looking at who would want Tutankhamun dead in English. We looked at the 3 main suspects and their motives…

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Blasting off to a good start


Blasting off to a great start!


Well, what a wonderful start to the term in Moonbeam class. The last three weeks have been super exciting and we have all settled really well. We are accessing all the challenges in our new classroom and we are getting used to the new routines and…

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Welcome to Diamond Class

Welcome to Diamond Class,

We have had an amazing start to this academic year and the children have settled very well into the Upper Juniors. Over the last two weeks we have made an amazing start on our work across all subjects.

In Mathematics, we have revised at the value of digits as we…

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Perfect Performance

Image of Perfect Performance

We have had another week of fun in Year 5 this week.

We didn’t manage to write a blog last week as we were having too much fun at Blackpool Zoo. Please see our picture.

This week, we have enjoyed watching our friends in the summer production of Beauty and the Beast. This was funny and the…

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Dazzling Diamonds

It has been another great week of learning and fun this week in Diamond Class. We have been looking at lots of new learning and also continuing with some of our current learning too.

In English, we have been planning our new story that we will pitch to another class in school. We have also…

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Seaside Sunshine!

Image of Seaside Sunshine!

This week in Sunshine Class…..


We had an amazing Seaside Day, the children made sandcastles, had donkey rides, coloured their seaside gifts, listened to a story while eating fish and chips, watched Punch and Judy, had an ice –cream and played games! They had so much fun and our class said…

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Moonbeam Moments

Here are our Moonbeam moments of the week:

  1. “We have been learning about our bodies and senses in Science” – Lorelle
  2. “In PSHCE we have been learning how to look after a baby.” – Lana
  3. “We have been practising our number bonds to 10 and doubles on hit the button” – Lillie
  4. “In Mathematics…
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