The Curriculum Co-Ordinators for Mathematics are Mr Mearns & Miss Eccles
Mathematics is a compulsory part of the curriculum for all pupils at every Key Stage. Mathematics is taught daily throughout School following the National Curriculum Programme of Study as well as the Lancashire Programme of Study. As a School, we use Abacus as an additional resource for online games and activities to be accessed by staff and children in School and at home.
In Mathematics, we ensure that a broad range of objectives are covered and that key skills are studies including: number and place value, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, geometry, statistics, measurement, capacity, fractions, percentages, money, time, decimals, algebra, problem solving and reasoning.
Number – Understanding of numbers to 10 including composition of each number, recognition of quantities up to 5, number bonds to 5/10 and relevant subtraction facts and doubles to 10. Numerical patterns – Verbally count to 20, recognising patterns of counting, comparing quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity, exploring and representing patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally. |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction 2D shapes Number facts Measurement – position and length Statistics – sorting 2D shapes Geometry – Repeating patterns and properties of 2D shapes |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction 3D shapes and properties Number facts Problem solving Telling the time for o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour Recognition of money Geometry – position and direction |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Time Money Fractions of shapes and number Measurement – capacity, volume and mass Fractions of numbers and shapes Statistics |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction Division and multiplication Fractions Geometry – shapes and positions Measurements Statistics |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction Division and multiplication Fractions Geometry – shapes and positions Measurements Statistics |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction Division and multiplication Fractions Geometry – shapes and positions Measurements Statistics |
YEAR 3 |
Place value Statistics – bar charts and pictograms 2D and 3D shapes Written addition and subtraction Money Mental and written multiplication Telling the time Mental and written division |
Money – adding and subtracting Fractions – simple addition Telling the time Word problems Angles 2D and 3D shapes Four operations – solving problems Position and directions |
Place value Addition and subtraction Measures – volume, capacity and mass Multiplication and division Decimals and fractions (tenths) Measurement Decimals (including money problems) |
Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Telling the time Fractions and decimals Measurement |
Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions 2D and 3D shapes Mental calculations |
Addition and subtraction Counting and sequences Fractions and decimals Volume/capacity and mass Position and area Multiplication and division |
YEAR 5 |
Place value – 6 digit numbers Mental addition and subtraction Mental division and multiplication Problem solving, reasoning and algebra Measurement – time Geometry – Properties of shapes Fractions, percentages and money Ration and proportion |
Number and place value Decimals, percentages and equivalence Multiplication and division Properties and measuring of shapes Addition and subtraction Statistics – decimals and percentages Problem solving, reasoning and algebra |
Number and place value Properties of shape Measurement Written addition and subtraction Written mental division and multiplication Geometry – properties of shapes Fractions, percentages and money |
Place value – 6 digit numbers Mental addition and subtraction Mental division and multiplication Problem solving, reasoning and algebra Measurement – time Geometry – Properties of shapes Fractions, percentages and money Ration and proportion |
Number and place value Decimals, percentages and equivalence Multiplication and division Properties and measuring of shapes Addition and subtraction Statistics – decimals and percentages Problem solving, reasoning and algebra |
Number and place value Properties of shape Measurement Written addition and subtraction Written mental division and multiplication Geometry – properties of shapes Fractions, percentages and money Revision for SATS |
To view our School Mathematics gallery please click the link below