Rainbow Morag

Top five moments of the week 

1. We have learnt about Katie-Morag and read her stories.

2. We explored plant habitats around the country. 

3. We read the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. 

4. We have learnt about the Industrial Revolution and child workers.

5. We have learnt…

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Rainbow Amazing

A busy week in Rainbow Class -

1. We have been prevising key skills in Mathematics including shape, subtraction and symmetry. 

2. We have learnt more reading skills and read fiction and non-fiction texts. 

3. We have learnt more about microhabitats in Science. 

4. We have looked at the…

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Rainbow Poets

Highlights of the week -

1. We have been learning about arrays and missing number addition in Mathematics.

2. In reading we have been listening to poems, inferring the meaning of the poems and answering questions. 

3. In Science, we learnt about the habitats of animals. 

4. We learnt…

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Rainbow Symmetry

Highlights of the week 

1. We found and drew lines of symmetry of 2D shapes. 

2. We read non-fiction texts and answered questions. 

3. We have been learning about The Seaside in Geography. 

4. We taste tested fruits and vegetables in DT.

5. We have been given our new homework…

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Rainbow Adders

Highlights of the Week

1. We learnt about what animals need for survival. 

2. We made cards and gifts for Mothering Sunday.

3. We have been adding two 2-digit numbers with regrouping. 

4. We continued to learn and revise our reading skills. 

5. We have been blending Phase 5…

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Rainbow Relief

All About Comic Relief 

1. The first Night of Comic Relief happened on 5 February 1988

2. It raised £52,025,485 last year. 

3. The 10 noses all have different names and designs based on nature.

4. Comic Relief is an operating British charity, founded in 1985 by the comedy…

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Rainbow Readers

Highlights of our week 

1. We have been adapting our inference skills in reading. 

2. We made wool patterns with Mrs Bradley.

3. In Mathematics this week we did word problems and number bonds. 

4. We investigated a tree in Science. 

5. We revised Phase 5 sounds in Phonics.  


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Busy Rainbow

Highlights from a busy week

1. World Book Day - we dressed as wizards and witches. 

2. We read Room on the Broom and answered retrieval questions. 

3. We have been learning about money in Mathematics. 

4. We learnt about Florence Nightingale in History. 

5. We have been making wool…

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Rainbow Poets

Highlights of our week


1. We spoke to the Preston Fire Service, who showed us how to drop and roll. 


2. We listened to and wrote our own poetry. 


3. We have learnt how to round numbers to the nearest multiple of 10.


4. We have been learning about significant nurses…

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Well-being Rainbows

It has been a celebration of well-being this week. 

Highlights of the week - 

1. Made a 'Jar of Hearts' with special messages on. 

2. We made other people in school happy. 

3. Listened to and sang "Sweet Caroline" and "Thank You For Being a Friend"

4. We experienced a group guided…

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Rainbow CNY

Highlights of our week


1. We learnt all about the traditions of Chinese New Year.


2. We created a Chinese New Year dance celebrating the dragon. 


3. We created a gold and red dragon. 


4. We have created red letters of positivity. 


5. We ended our week with a…

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Rainbow Natural Artists

Another week of amazing adventures...

1. We have been making modern art sculptures based on natural artists. 

2. We have been catching and throwing in PE.

3. We have explored more about chocolate, written super sentences and read to retrieve. 

4. We have learnt about fractions of…

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