Rocking Raps
This week, we have been working exceptionally hard in Diamond Class. We have performed our raps in English and we have used instruments to find a steady beat. These were amazing and we had so much fun showing our friends how talented we are.
In Mathematics, we have been looking at column…
Welcome Back Year 5
Happy New Year!!
We are thrilled to be back together after a wonderful Christmas break. What fun we all had too!
This week we have been discussing our holidays and the exciting things we got up to and the wonderful memories we made.
In Mathematics, we have been looking at negative…
Fantastic Five
What fun we have had this week in Year 5. On Tuesday, we all went to the Panto to watch Snow White and had such a fabulous day. ‘Oh no you didn’t! Oh yes we did!’
In English, we have been writing story endings for The Little Match Girl, which we had to plan and edit.
In Mathematics, we have…
Fun In Five
In Year 5 this week, we have been looking at area in Mathematics and reading a new text in English called The Little Match Girl. We have continued to design our advent calendars in DT and looked at air resistance in science.
The Star of the Week goes to Dylan
Merit goes to Oliver and…
Our Wonderful Week
In English we have typed up our migration reports.
In Maths we have been measuring the perimeter of our school.
In DT we have continued to design our own advent calendars.
In Science we carried out an experiment looking at gravity.
Star of the Week goes to Joey
Good Friend award…
Children in Need
In English, we have been learning about animal migration and planning our own reports.
In Mathematics, we have been learning how to use a protractor to measure and find missing angles.
In DT, we have been designing our own advent calendars.
In PSHCE, we have been talking about…
We Remember
In English, we were looking at animal migration.
In Mathematics, we have been measuring angles with a protractor.
We also remembered the amazing soldiers who died in battle, and made beautiful poppy wreaths.
Our Merit winners and Jehanna and Oscar.
Star of the Week is Casey.
Welcome Back Diamond Class
In Mathematics, we have been looking at our mental maths skills and code breakers.
In English, we been writing about our half term and reading our new class book - The Ice Monster.
In Art, we have been making Diya lamps to celebrate Diwali and Bonfire art with oil pastels.
Good Friend…