Hello Coco
We have been having lots of fun in Year 5 this week and had lots of exciting learning going on too.
Miss Eccles, our trainee teacher, has been working with us in PE and Science. We have been using our map skills to find symbols around the school grounds in PE. In Science, we dissected a heart.…
Fantastic Five
We have been busy in Year 5 this week. In Science, we have been looking at our pulse and carrying out an experiment to see how many beats per minute we could record. In Mathematics, we have been looking at how to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks. In English, we started our unit on…
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back Everyone!
It is so good to be back. We have had a great first week after the Easter break. We have been busy in Year 5 learning lots of new things and having great fun along the way.
In English, we have been looking at explorers and talking about places we might like to explore…
Fun in Five
Year 5 have enjoyed lots of fun things this week. We have been looking at a new poem in English called By St Thomas Water. In Mathematics, we have been looking at time and learning how to read timetables. In DT we have been designing a healthy dip that we could eat with snacks. Last week, we…
Red Nose Day
We have had lots of fun in Year 5 today. We celebrated Comic Relief in class with a number of activities. We all came dressed in red with a variety of noses, which we later ran 'nose and spoon' races. We played HeadHunters with Year 6, where we had to find a variety of pictures around the school…
Welcome Back
We have had a great first week back after half term and enjoyed some new learning in Mathematics and English. We have been reading the BFG in English and designing our own giants. In Mathematics, we have been learning how to use the short and long methods for division. In RE, we have been looking…
Well-being Diamonds
We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week. We have been looking at well-being and how we can make each other smile. We have carried on learning all about the Great Plague in history. Have been learning how to translate shapes in Mathematics and all about tessellation in computing.
Graffiti Art in 5
We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week. We have been learning all about Banksy, and creating our own tag and graffiti name in art.
We have been looking at different units of measure in Mathematics and writing our own adverts in English.
Friend Award - Oliver
Merit Award -…
Fun in Five
We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week.
In Mathematics, we have been looking at multiplication and division.
In English, we have been reading about the Museum of Fun – ready to create our own pages to add to the eBook.
In PE, we have been playing bench ball and thinking about the tactics…
Rocking Raps
This week, we have been working exceptionally hard in Diamond Class. We have performed our raps in English and we have used instruments to find a steady beat. These were amazing and we had so much fun showing our friends how talented we are.
In Mathematics, we have been looking at column…
Welcome Back Year 5
Happy New Year!!
We are thrilled to be back together after a wonderful Christmas break. What fun we all had too!
This week we have been discussing our holidays and the exciting things we got up to and the wonderful memories we made.
In Mathematics, we have been looking at negative…
Fantastic Five
What fun we have had this week in Year 5. On Tuesday, we all went to the Panto to watch Snow White and had such a fabulous day. ‘Oh no you didn’t! Oh yes we did!’
In English, we have been writing story endings for The Little Match Girl, which we had to plan and edit.
In Mathematics, we have…