Rainbow blog by Junior

My favourite moments this week by Junior

1. Going outside on the yard to do our division work. 

2. Auditioning for Pool House has Talent

3. Working on using different connectives in our work.

4. The mini skills games we played in P.E, I enjoyed using a football to dribble round cones…

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Will it sink or will it float?

This week we have continued learning about the Gingerbread Man. We have been thinking about different ways The Gingerbread Man could cross the river.

" He could climb over a bridge" Lillie

" He could ride on a bird" Bobby

"He could go in a helicopter" Coby

"He could go in a boat"…

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World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

We have had lots of fun today for World Book Day, where we have enjoyed the Wizard of Oz as our theme. This morning we had our usual celebration assembly but this was introduced by Scarecrow and Tin Man. In class we created our own Wizard of Oz characters and wrote a short descriptive paragraph…

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Week 22 - Spinning Around

Top moments of WORLD BOOK DAY - 


Tin Man and Scarecrow sent us on a mission to find out what they wanted to ask the Wizard of Oz for. 


We worked with Mrs Miller to create art work based on the story. We created pictures of the characters.


In class, we wrote character…

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World Book Day 2023

Image of World Book Day 2023

We have had lots of fun today for World Book Day, where we have enjoyed the Wizard of Oz as our theme. The children have had a great time and their costumes were awesome.


In English, we have been reading The BFG and writing our own diary entries and creating our own dreams.


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Moonbeam Class - Spring Term 2

Image of Moonbeam Class - Spring Term 2

This week in the Moonbeam Class.....

In English we have been learning Poetry.

In Maths we have been learning Addition and Subtraction using Part, Part, Whole.

In Science  we have been learning about plants and flowers. We all planted seeds and flowers.

In Geography we are learning…

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You Can't Catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!!

You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread man!

This week has been a very exciting week, on Monday we went upstairs to the staff room to bake Gingerbread Men, and we all had a go at adding the ingredients and mixing them. While our Gingerbread men were baking we buddied up with year 5 and read to…

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Welcome Back

Diamond Class have had a good first week back after the half term. We have been busy and enjoyed both indoor and outdoor learning this week.

In English, we have started our new text – The BFG, by Roald Dahl.

In mathematics, we have been looking at the short division method with whole…

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Rainbow Class Blog By Jessica

My favourites things this week by Jessica

1. Learning about verbs in English. (Smiling, running, skipping)

2. Dancing to high school musical with Miss Leah.

3. Flipping pancakes and then tasting them on pancake day.

4. Throwing and catching in PE outside.

5. Learning about plants…

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Week 21 - Shocked

Week 21 – Shocked

Five highlights of the week

1. We made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

2. We learnt about forces and experimented with toy cars.

3. We showcased all of our unique talents.

4. We learnt about place value of 3-digit numbers.

5. We wrote stories about the Sheep Pig…

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Run Run as fast as you can

Welcome back after a lovely half term break!

This week we have been reading the story The Gingerbread Man. We have acted out the story in groups, read different versions of the story, wrote about the Gingerbread Man and thought of an alternative end to the story. We are going to be continuing…

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Welcome to Jurassic Park

Image of Welcome to Jurassic Park

In English we are reading Jurassic park. We have read a chapter of the book called The Velociraptor where the characters Lex and Tim are hiding in a kitchen from a Velociraptor. We also created a new Reading display about the skills that we had revised.


In Maths we are learning about…

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