Faster than The Flash!

As if by magic, the end of the half term is here and we are ready for a week in the sun. If not sun, we are ready for a relaxing week with our feet up. 

Thank you for a fantastic half term in Bronze Class, we have had a very fun time learning lots of new things. 

Take care on your holidays…

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In Mathematics we revised expanded column addition in preparation for compact column addition next lesson. We all remembered how to do it and Mr Bamber was impressed. Group 4 went out to do some addition with Miss Rigby. We continued our gymnastics work in Phyrical Education, we tried…

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Bronze Class and the Dragon Slayer

What a week we have had! Lots of fun and lots of learning.We have designed our own bedrooms and we were allowed to use anything we wanted.We have been doing The Dragon Slayer in English, it is a legend story. In PE we have been doing some gymnastics and learning more about balances. In History, we…

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Showing and Telling, Telling and Showing.

I was star of the week. I have enjoyed watching the film, Rise of the Guardians, and I have learnt that lava rises out of volcanoes.

  • Atlanta-Georgia


This week we have started writing an autobiography. An autobiography is when you write about yourself.

  • Emily Jones



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Mountains, Journeys and Column Addition.

Hello there, 

This week Max and Emily are writing the school blog. 

Star of the Week is Jack, he will enjoy a week of the star of the week cushion. Merit Certificates went to Cian and Sophie - well done to guys. 

This week we have been learning about mountains, we wrote a diary entry of…

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Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Alpha Bronze. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

This week, Bronze Class has been turned into a exploring space ship. We…

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We are getting our Blog on!

Hello there. 

What a week it has been! This week we have stopped being children and started being detectives. We have been learning about Tutankhamen and investigating his death. We need to decideif he has been murdered. There are lots of suspects and lots of motives, we have learnt about the…

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Tutankhamen's Detectives

Blogtastic Blogging. 

We have been blogging. We have become detectives. We have been organising numbers and using extended partitioning. It has been a busy week, in a busy class. 

Star of the Week is Hayden. 

Merit Ceritificates went to Max and Evie. 

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"Walk Like an Egyptian" by Emily J and Evie

This week we have been learning about Leonardo Da Vinci and Tutankhamen. I liked learning about the ancient Egyptian topic with Mr Bamber (the best teacher ever). I think he is the funniest teacher in the world, he does funny voices and accents and always makes us smile. 

The star of the week…

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Mr Bamber's "Bronzies"

"It has been a pleasure to teach the brand new Bronze Class. I have thoroughly enjoyed my week in school. Thank you for all you hard work and sensible attitudes" 

- Mr Bamber 

"It has been very exciting in Bronze Class"

- Layla 

"I have enjoyed playing outside on the big yard"


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Sunny Side Up

What a fantastic week it has been in Diamond Class, the sun has been shining and the work has been absolutely fantastic. We spent some of our afternoons on the field with Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6, we practised for Sports Day, played cricket and played rounders. Ben challenged the teachers to a…

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Oranges and Red Noses

This week we finished our English topic about ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’ and wrote our own stories from the perspective of Samar. We then began looking at narrative poems which tell a story. We read ‘St Thomas by the Water’ and used improvisation to perform the poem which we really enjoyed doing! …

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