
This week in Bronze class we have been learning about what life is like living in different countries in our new book 'Let's go to...'

So far we have learnt about what life is like living in Paris, as well as practising our French and learning the colours and greetings during Monday's French…

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Well-being Week

Image of Well-being Week

What a busy final week we have had of this half term! 

The children have worked very hard in all our subjects this week but here are just a few of the things we have been doing.

1) Ross McWilliam came to visit us on Thursday as part of well-being week. The children have discussed what…

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Bronze class guest blogger - Lucas Halsall

This weeks blog is brought to you by Lucas Halsall!

This week we have been planning a new story called 'Ottoline and the Feasting Fox.' 

In English this morning we tried some foods from a bakery and we wrote a description of a bakery. 

At lunch time we played with our new toys from Mrs…

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The mystery of Ottoline and the Yellow Cat

Our top 5 moments in Bronze class this week are:

1) "We have been learning about skeletons and muscles." - Justyna

2) "In English we have been reading Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. It's a mystery book." - Connor

3) "In Geography we have been learning about maps. We went on a walk to see…

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It's a mystery!

This week in Bronze class we have been very busy! 

In English we have been reading our new book - Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. This half term our focus is on mystery stories, and by the end of the unit we will have written our own mystery story. The children have been introduced to the main…

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Was Tutankhamun killed?

Image of Was Tutankhamun killed?

This week in Bronze Class we have started to plan and write our own explanation text based on our History and English topic this half term - Ancient Egypt! 

We are answering the key question 'Was Tutankhamun Killed?' and after examining the evidence available, we are ready to write our own…

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Children In Need

Image of Children In Need

Today Bronze class have been raising money for Children In Need by coming into school in spotty or Pudsey clothing. Thank you for the amazing efforts from all the children! 

Here are some of the things we have been doing today:

- Design a new Pudsey competition

- Split pin Pudsey


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Lest We Forget

Image of Lest We Forget

This week in Bronze class we have been remembering those who lost their lives due to war and conflict as part of Remembrance Day. 

We learnt about why we wear poppies on the 11th November and reflected on how peoples lives have been affected due to war. We thought about what characteristics a…

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Short but sweet

Image of Short but sweet

It's been a short but sweet week in Bronze class this week but we have certainly fit a lot of fun and learning in! 

On Wednesday we learnt all about the celebration of Diwali and enjoyed lots of fun activities including designing our own mendhi henna patterns, creating rangoli patterns,…

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What time is it?!

Here are our top 5 moments of a very busy and quick week! 

"We have been learning about tsunamis in Geography. A tsunami is a giant wave." - Oliver

"In Science we have been testing which things were reflective." - Sapphire

"In PE we have been doing gymnastics. We got the apparatus out and…

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Mix a pancake

This week in English we have been reading some poems by Roger McGough and Christina Rosetti. 

The poem we looked at today was called 'Mix a Pancake'. After tasting some pancakes, we then worked in pairs to write and them perform our own versions of 'Mix a Pancake'. 

Have a look at Hope,…

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This week Bronze class have been looking at the artist Leonardo Da Vinci and his most famous piece of art - the Mona Lisa. We learnt more about why the Mona Lisa was so revolutionary for it's time and also how it was stolen in 1911! We then sketched our own Mona Lisa and then used watercolour…

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