February is here!

This week we have been doing interesting things for instance, in maths we have been doing mental division and subtraction followed by finding the square root to numbers. In English we have been reading an exciting story whilst doing work revolved around it. In the afternoon we have been joined by…

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The end of the first week of 2018

The end of our first week in 2018 has already ended. We have been very busy in diamond class. We have started lots of new topics in our subjects. In English for the next two weeks we are looking at narrative poetry. In science we are looking at the life time of a human being, from birth to…

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End of another busy week

Image of End of another busy week

The end of another week in Diamond class. We have been very bury as usual during this week. On Wednesday when we went to Ashton CSC in our DT session we used a vacuum forming machine to make some door plaques. In science this week we learned about microbes with Mr Wareing. See the info on the…

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The end of Autumn, start of Winter

Image of The end of Autumn, start of Winter

The end of another week sees the departing of autumn and the start of winter. This week in class we have been up to many different things. Tuesday saw the 2017 Christmas fair. This was a huge success and many thanks to all who came along and joined in.

On our trip out to Ashton CSC on Wednesday…

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Another very busy week for Diamond class

Image of Another very busy week for Diamond class

Another amazing week in diamond class. We started the week with our spellings after assembly on Monday and we have not stopped since.

Wednesday saw our visit to Ashton CSC again. In the DT session this week we made our templates for our head phone organisers. These will be made out of plastic…

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First week back in Diamond class

Image of First week back in Diamond class

In diamond class this week we have been very bust even though we have only been in school for 3 days. The week started off with Mr Mearns collecting a minibus from Preston Community Transport on his way into work. At 9:30 we left school and went up to Ashton Community Science College. At 10…

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To the stars and beyond

Image of To the stars and beyond

As the week comes to an end, today we have been reflecting upon our class trip to Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre. Wednesday got off to a really bad start. A major accident closing the M6 motorway in the morning saw Preston grid locked. We eventually managed to get out of Preston and made it down…

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End of a busy month

We have come to the end September and welcomed in October. We have been so busy in class that time really does seem to have flown by.

Many thanks to all the parents who either sent items in for the harvest assembly this morning or who managed to attend. We do hope that you enjoyed watching the…

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What a busy week

Image of What a busy week

The end of a very busy week has arrived. The week started with our spelling test and ended with our celebration of fund raising for MacMillan Cancer support.

A very big thank you to all the parents of children in our class for attending the coffee morning and a very well done to Thomas for…

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End of week 2 in Diamond Class

Week 2 has come to an end in Diamond class. We have been working on poetry this week in our English lessons. This ended with a presented poem based upon the poem Loop the loop. In maths we have been getting better at adding and subtracting numbers in our heads or choosing the best written method…

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