Welcome to 2020


1. This week we began our new English topic about the Museum of Fun. We shall be investigating each room in the museum, before writing a review of the museum as an assessed piece of writing. We shall later be creating our own adverts for the museum too. 

2. In…

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Our Festive Traditions

This week in Diamond class we have been starting to get ready for Christmas!

We continued to practise our Christmas Carols with Mrs Bennett, in preparation for our Carol Concert at the Christian Centre in the final week of this half term. An event not to be missed!

In RE, we have…

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Presentation Time!

This week we created our Migration PowerPoints and presented them to the class. As mentioned in the previous blog, we were given a big question  - Which animal has the toughest migration?


Each group had to present their findings to the rest of the class, whilst Mr Blackburn and Mrs Gibson…

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A Week In Quotes

“On Monday I enjoyed our PSHCE lesson about secrets. I enjoyed reading the scenario cards we were given and discussing whether it was a secret we would keep or a secret that we should not agree to keep.” – Alice Dalmeida


“On Tuesday I enjoyed writing my recipe for my own curry with Mrs…

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Our new English topic is Migration. The big question for this unit is “Which animal has the toughest migration?” Throughout the week we began looking at the migration journeys of different animals and will continue this into next week.


In Science we studied the lunar cycle of the Moon. As…

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Autumn Term 2

A warm, welcome back to you all. I hope you have all enjoyed your half terms! This has been a short week but a very busy nonetheless!


On Wednesday, we began learning about how we can use colons in our writing. We discussed the three different ways in which we can use colons in our writing:…

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Evacuee Day

This week we took part in our long awaited Evacuee Day. Can I just say, on behalf of myself and Mrs Gibson, a big thank you first and foremost to all the parents who helped their children dress up in such spectacular costumes for the day. The children looked absolutely FANTASTIC!! It was certainly…

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Friend or Foe?

What a busy week we have had!

We began reading our new book – Friend or Foe – in English. To immerse us in this new topic, we have been carrying out research into the Blitz and evacuees during World War Two. We began the week asking questions we wished to know about this era of history and…

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Five Star

Is it really the end of week two already? How the last two weeks have flown by already!

Let’s have a quick look at some of the things we have been doing throughout yet another busy week:

  1. We performed our ‘Down by the Bay’ poems to the rest of the class. Mr Blackburn was very impressed at…
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Welcome Back!

Welcome back and a big warm welcome to Diamond Class! It has been lovely meeting all of the new Diamond Class children and I hope they have enjoyed their week as much as the staff have!


We spent much of the week getting to know each other and the routines of year 5 but don’t be fooled into…

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Busy! Busy! Busy!

Well this week has flown by and the children have been so busy on their two days out. 

The children had a fantastic day Ashton High School, taking part in Science, R.E, P.E, Computing and DT lessons. The children carried out some wonderful experiments with different gases. They went on a 

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The sun is finally here!!

This week seems to have flown by. The children have started to learn about area, perimeter and volume in mathematics. They have started a new topic in English were they are designing, making and then pitching their idea to a panel of judges. (Dragon Den style)

In science the children have been…

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