Keeping our bodies healthy!

"In science we were learning about how exercise keeps us healthy." - Nevaeh

Why is exercise important?

"It keeps our body strong" - Charley

"Its good to keep your bloody pumping around your body." - Joey

"It makes your muscles stronger." - Ela

"It makes your brain work better." -…

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Fruity Friday

Today we have been creating our own cocktails as part of our mathematics lesson on capacity.

The children had to follow the recipe and accurately measure the ingredients in ml. 

"1000ml = 1 litre" - Indy

"I made a cocktail with lemonade, orange juice and apple juice." - Emily

We also…

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Children in Need

Today we have been raising money for Children in Need. 

"Today we dressed in yellow or wore spots." - Cassidy

"We decorated biscuits like Pudsey."- Charley

"We had a design Pudsey's new hair competition." - Bobbi

The winner of this competition was Joey.


"In science we have been…

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The eruption

"This week in Bronze class we made a volcano (model) erupt." - Emily

"We discussed whether we would like to live near a volcano. I would like to because then I can take people to the volcano and make money as an attraction." - Nevaeh 

"We have been learning about the tectonic plates." -…

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Short but sweet!

Welcome back to our second half term of the year. Its been a short week in school but we have certainly packed a lot of learning in. 

"We made chocolate apples with Mrs Bradley." - Ellie

"We have started reading a new book in English called 'Storm'." - Alara

"We have been pretending to be…

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Ending the week on a (bouncing) high!

This week in Bronze class we have been having very busy!!

“In computing, Mrs Bradley has been teaching us how to programme using Scratch.” – Alara

“In Music, Mrs Bennett has been teaching us how to play hot cross buns on the recorder.” – Ela

“This week we have been learning about poetry…

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So what really did happen to Tutankhamun?

This week we have concluded our English unit on 'Was Tutankhamun killed?'

We have been building our evidence on our evidence board and finally deciding what we happened to King Tut. 

"I think he had a broken leg and it might have been infected which killed him." - Alara

"I think he might…

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Mmmmm Pizza

Mmm Pizza!


This week we have really missed Miss Ellison in class as she’s been recovering after having teeth out. We have still been incredibly busy and I am sure she will be very proud of the work we have achieved.

We have been continuing our English topic of Tutankhamun and using the…

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Where's my mummy?

This week we have been learning all about Ancient Egypt and continuing to try and work out how Tutankhamun died. Many of the class have been part of our ACS (Ancient Crime Squad) helping us to investigate and collect key evidence.

In history we have been mummifying each other (with toilet…

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Promotion to Juniors!

Welcome to our first Bronze class blog! 

Our first week in Juniors and we have survived! The children have really impressed me this week with how grown up they have been. Everyone has settled very well - well done!

We began our week by getting used to our new classroom, playing some games…

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Dance like no-one's watching!

Bronze class had a great time finishing off some work they had been doing on 'Ottoline and the Yellow Cat'. Some excellent work was produced by Skye. Fred was once again the mathematician superstar and particularly enjoyed doing the subtraction work on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, we had a Puzzle…

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Fun week with peace and quiet

This week in bronze class we have been quiet because SATs have been on in year 6 and we worked hard


In maths we learnt a new method dividing it is called the bus stop method.

We worked hard because it's a hard method for year 3 like us.


We were looking at a book called…

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