A short blog for a short week!

Another short week at school but we have still been very busy in Sunshine Class. We have been learning about Wales and Ireland. We have also been reading the book called the Scarecrows wedding. This was from a childs interest. We are going to be having a Scarecrow wedding today and making our own…

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Pussy cat, pussy cat. Where have you been? I have been to London to see the Queen!

Image of Pussy cat, pussy cat. Where have you been? I have been to London to see the Queen!

This week in Sunshine class we have been learning all about England. 

We have been focussing on London. 

"London is the capital of England" (Ellie)

We have been learning about different landmarks in London. We went on a tour around London with Barnaby Bear. 

We found out all about the…

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Square Sausage..... Whats that?

Welcome back.. 


We hope you all had a lovely two weeks holiday from school and had lots of Easter Fun.


We are starting a new topic in Sunshine class this half term. We are going to be learning about different countries around the world.

Mrs Bradley chose the first country we…

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What a busy week!!!!

Well this week has been really busy..... we haven't stopped in Sunshine Class


On Monday we talked about all the things we had learnt about this half term about Space. We have really enjoyed this topic.

" I have learnt that it is bumpy on the moon" (Ellie)


"It takes 3 days for a…

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This week in Sunshine Class!

This week in Sunshine Class has been a very crafty one! We have been busy making lots of different things. Which I am sure you will love!

We have been learning about Planets this week and have made two amazing books about Mars and Saturn. 

Do you know how many moons Saturn has?

What is…

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Bob, Sid, Kevin..... who else has been in Sunshine Class?

Image of Bob, Sid, Kevin..... who else has been in Sunshine Class?

Well..... what a week in Sunshine Class!

Our focus this week has been the book, Aliens Love Underpants. 

We have had lots of fun designing and making our own aliens. We made aliens using lots of different techniques.

" We used pencils to draw aliens." (Nevaeh)

"We used a hard sort of…

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Fly me to the Moon!

Friday already!

What a fantastic week (according to Oscar) it has been in Sunshine class.

We have been 'Scientific Investigators', 'Stargazers' and 'Moonwatchers' this week.

One investigation we did was to find out how moon craters are made.

Sunshine class can tell you:

Moon goes…

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Once upon a time.......

Image of Once upon a time.......

Once upon a time there was a teacher "who was very cool" (Ellie) and she had the best class in all the land.

They were the best class because they could make her the best pancakes and flip them high in the sky. Here's how we made them.


Sunshine Class instructions for Pancakes


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Out of this World!

Image of Out of this World!

5, 4, 3, 2,1 ............. Blast off!


This week we have had so much fun learning all about the job of an astronaut. We found out about Neil Armstrong and his footprint on the moon, Tim Peake and the fun things he did on his journey to space. 

We have enjoyed being astronauts in our…

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An "Egg"citing Week

Image of An "Egg"citing Week

This week we focussed on the story Rosies Walk.

"The Fox tries to sneak up on the hen" (Conner)

"The flour fell all over the fox" (Ela)

"The fox fell into the pond." (Eliza)


We decided that Rosie went back to her hen house to lay eggs. We talked about all the things eggs could be…

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Chinese Rhymes with Please.

Image of Chinese Rhymes with Please.

This week has been full of multi-cultural fun and celebration. Sunshine Class have learnt all about Chinese New Year. We have found out that it is the year of the Rooster, tasted Chinese food, written our names in Chinese, found Chinese numbers and had our own Chinese dragon march. ( Videos/…

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Farm to Fork

Image of Farm to Fork

This week in Sunshine class we have been enjoying learning about the farm. We have talked about the animals found on the farm, the noises they make and the job a farmer does. We have been thinking about the crops that grow on a farm and what food comes from a farm. Our food topic will continue…

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