Too busy to summarise!

Well what a week Moonbeam class have had. On Monday the children continued to learn about Good Friday and re-enacted the main events. The children designed and started to make their moving house picture.

On Tuesday the children learnt about Easter Monday and wrote a diary extract from the view…

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Green week

This week in school has been Green Week and what a busy week it’s been, we have done lots of different activities and learnt lots about how we can all do our bit for the environment.

On Monday we did PE with Silver class, Miss Wilson taught us all some dance moves, we did this because exercise…

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WOW what a super, fantastic, busy week!

On Monday the children started to learn about being a good storyteller. They read the story ‘the best friends’ and practised retelling it. They started to learn about fraction and used biscuits to cut them in half and quarters. (Might have eaten a few too!)


On Tuesday in English the…

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week 1 of spring term 2

Welcome back after half term. The first week back has been so busy in Moonbeam Class.

In English this week the children have continued to learn about reports. They have written their own reports about an elephant’s trunk. The children have included headings, sub-heading, diagrams, labels,…

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Good bye, farewell Miss Kazi

Well this is Miss Kazi's last week, she has been in Moonbeam class for 7 weeks and taugh the children some interesting lessons. I would like to wish her good luck in the future.

This week we have been learning about reports in English. They have been reading a book about why do elephants have…

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Fairy tales, fairy tales

In English this week we have continued to learn about fairy tale stories. The children have also written their own fairy tale stories based on the three little pigs. They have chosen new good and bad characters. They have also chosen new materials for the houses to be made from.

"My story is…

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Christmas is in sight!

Well, what a crazy busy week we have had. On Monday the children started to learn about the film ‘the snowman’ the children enjoyed retelling the story and I must admit they used some wonderful adjectives to describe.

‘The snow dazzled for the bedroom window.’ (Dylan)

‘James woke early and…

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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It's been another busy week in Moonbeam class!

In English, we have been working on our speaking and listening skills, continuing to become a 'poetry star'. We have also been applying those skills to our nativity, enjoying singing, dancing and learning our parts.

In Maths, we have been…

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Sweet explosion

I think the first thing to say this week is a big well done to all of Moonbeam class and their parents for the wonderful hamper donations. I'm pleased to say we came 3rd and the children are super excited for their film afternoon. (It certainly was a sweet explosion)

In English this week the…

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Happy Half term

Moonbeam have had a very busy week! We had a fantastic Halloween party on Tuesday that the children were really excited about and we saw some fantastic, scary outfits. 

In English, we have been learning all about winter poems and have even written our own SNOW acrostic poems. We have added…

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Nature, Nature, Nature

Another brilliant week had by all of Moonbeam Class.

In English this week we have started to look at a recount. The children have been recalling the main events of Sam’s nature walks. The children have enjoyed learning about the different animals he saw on each of his journeys.

“Sam saw a…

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Harvest time

Another exciting week has been had by Moonbeam class.

In English this week the children have continued to learn about poetry. The children have performed poems, they have looked at descriptive words and have even written their own poem about playtimes.

‘I can smell the cut grass.’…

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