A Treeriffic Week In Sunshine Class

This week in Sunshine class, we have been learning about minibeasts and trees.


We went on a minibeast hunt and we found lots of spiders, slugs and beetles!

"I found two spiders in the tyre!" - Cruz


Miss Grice taught us about trees and now we know how to tell the difference…

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Phonics superstars!

Image of Phonics superstars!

The children have done amazingly well in their Phonics Screening this week and we are  incredibly proud of them all. We celebrated their fantastic efforts this afternoon by having a slush, courtesy of the PTFA. A huge thank you to Mrs Bradley and Mr Parkinson.


Certificate Winners


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Hello Coco

We have been having lots of fun in Year 5 this week and had lots of exciting learning going on too.

Miss Eccles, our trainee teacher, has been working with us in PE and Science. We have been using our map skills to find symbols around the school grounds in PE. In Science, we dissected a heart.…

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Busy bees in Moonbeam

We have been busy bees this week!

This week we have finished our English fictional topic of fantastic voyages. We have compared the two main characters from each of our texts and looked at similarities and differences between them. On Friday we acted out ‘Dougal’s Deep-Sea Diary’ and the…

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Painting Stories

Painting Stories

This week has been a week of consolidation and gap filling. We have been making sure all our phonics sounds are secure and any we weren’t sure of we have recapped and revisited. We have also, made sure we are forming

Miss Grice has been reading lots of different Bible…

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This weeks guest blogger is Viaan Rohit

Today we have been celebrating the Queen's jubilee. She has been the Queen for 70 years. 

We made a collage of pictures from London. 

I have been eating a big dinner with all of school in the hall. I had a ham sandwich. 

We played head hunters outside and did lots of running to try and…

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SATs Week

Image of SATs Week

This week has been SATs week and all of the children have done themselves proud. The staff at Pool House are incredibly proud of each of them and I’m sure you at home will be too.


Our week began on Monday with our SPAG Test and Spelling Test. Then on Tuesday in was a Reading paper in which…

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Our week by Moonbeam Class

“We have added numbers using arrays and place value” – Oliver


“We have learnt more about Hindu worship and about the main bit of the temple” – Vaishvik


“Our new book is Dougal’s Deep-Sea Diary” – Junior


“We described a setting called Atlantis” – Jessica  


“We read…

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Rainbow Amazing

A busy week in Rainbow Class -

1. We have been prevising key skills in Mathematics including shape, subtraction and symmetry. 

2. We have learnt more reading skills and read fiction and non-fiction texts. 

3. We have learnt more about microhabitats in Science. 

4. We have looked at the…

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Perimeter Pros

Our top 6 moments this week have been:

  • In Mathematics we have been finding the perimeter of different shapes – Scarlett
  • In English we have continued reading the Iron Man and focused on the author’s use of direct speech and written our own direct speech. – Damian
  • In Science we looked at…
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Bronze Guest Bloggers - Niamh and Kyra

This week our top 5 moments were:

1) We have learnt about the 5 K's in RE. We are learning about the Sikhi faith.

2) We designed our own pizza in DT. Mine will have bbq chicken on it (Niamh) and mine will have the same! (Kyra)

3) In PE we have been practising our throwing with the…

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Fantastic Five

We have been busy in Year 5 this week. In Science, we have been looking at our pulse and carrying out an experiment to see how many beats per minute we could record. In Mathematics, we have been looking at how to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks. In English, we started our unit on…

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