The Gold Standard

Image of The Gold Standard
  1. In English this week, we planned and then wrote our diary entries from the perspective of a person in Pompeii. We used a range of topical vocabulary (amphitheatre, thermal baths, market traders) as well as a range of key Year 6 skills. The standard has been set very high already! We will be…
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Shining Like A Diamond

In Mathematics this week, we have been looking at column addition and subtraction with decimals. The children have worked so hard on this.

In English, we have been typing up our migration reports and editing them on the computer.

In Science, we have made planets and looked at the Earth. We…

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Stay and Play

Sunshine top ten….

  1. We had our Phonics stay and play session with our parents which was fantastic.
  2. We had a lovely Autumn walk colleting leaves and acorns.
  3. We created leaf characters using glue and pastels
  4. We had our dance session with Miss Leah
  5. We had our football session with AFC…
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Top five moments of the week

Our top five moment of the week:

  1. We foraged for some materials to paint with in our Art lesson with Mrs Dorota.
  2. We explored and compared the structure of animals in Science.
  3. In Mathematics we have looked at 2D shapes.
  4. We have made inferences about a picture in our Reading Skills…
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Week 4 - Je ne sais pas pourquoi

Je ne sais pas pourquoi - I don't know why (but we love learning French). 

Top five moments of the week -

1. We measured the perimeter of 2D shapes.

2.We are learning out harvest song - Big Red Combine Havester.

3. We took a class photograph for the school time capsule. 

4. We read…

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What a wonderful week in Rainbow

In English this week we looked at the story of Silly Billy and the story Operation night monster. We compared the 2 stories.

"My favourite story was Operation night monster because he scared his brother and I thought it was funny" Hunter

"My favourite was Silly Billy because he had worry…

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Guest Blogger - Viaan

Hello from Silver Class! 

These are our top 5 moments this week. 

1) We have done reading skills and our reading skills book is The Twits.

2) Today AFC Fylde came in and we played bench ball and dodgeball in PE. 

3) In English we have been writing notes for our biography about Neil…

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A wonderful week

This week:

- We enjoyed celebrating the Queen on Tuesday as we made cards, performed to ‘Dancing Queen’ with Miss Leah in dance and designed new postcards for King Charles.

- We experimented with colour mixing in Art with Mrs Dorota.

- In History we explored toys from the past.

- In…

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The Head Team

Image of The Head Team

This week we appointed our ‘Head Team’ in assembly on Friday.


I am delighted to say that the following children have now got the following roles within school:


Head Boy – Oscar Bradley

Head Girl – Alara Agic

Deputy Head Boy – Dylan Taylor

Deputy Head Girl – Ellie…

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All about us

Image of All about us

This week we have found out all about our families (thank you for the photographs sent in).

We have made our own homes, and stick our pictures inside using scissors and glue. Lots of children have been confident enough to talk to the whole class about who lives in their home, their pets and who…

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Short but sweet!

Our top 5 moments in Silver class this week -

1) "We have been learning about Neil Armstrong in English. We are making a timeline of his life." - Jamie

2) "In Mathematics we have been converting fractions to decimals." - Archie

3) "On Tuesday we had a non-uniform day to remember the Queen…

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Week 3 - Dancing

This week we have been dancing with Miss Leah. 

Top five moments of the week - 

1. Miss Leah came into school and choreographed a dance. 

2. It has been all about place value of 3-digit numbers. 

3. We investigated the suspects of who might have killed Tutankhamun. 

4. We wrote…

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