Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Everyone!

It is so good to be back. We have had a great first week after the Easter break. We have been busy in Year 5 learning lots of new things and having great fun along the way. 

In English, we have been looking at explorers and talking about places we might like to explore…

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Welcome to Ancient Rome!

Image of Welcome to Ancient Rome!

Today we finished our History topic from last half term all about the Romans by having a Roman Day. 

Some of the activities we completed in our Roman Passport included: 

- Making a Roman mosaic tile

- Sculpting a Roman vase

- Competing in a Javelin throwing competition (Logan and Rossi…

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Rainbow Symmetry

Highlights of the week 

1. We found and drew lines of symmetry of 2D shapes. 

2. We read non-fiction texts and answered questions. 

3. We have been learning about The Seaside in Geography. 

4. We taste tested fruits and vegetables in DT.

5. We have been given our new homework…

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3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!

Image of 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather over the bank holiday weekend.


We started off Summer Term with a trip to the moon! We were all very excited as we prepared for our flight in the rocket through space and up to the moon. We tried some…

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Life Cycles

This week we have enjoyed being reunited with our friends after the Easter holidays. We have enjoyed talking to each other about our holiday adventures.

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the life cycles of frogs and butterflies. We have talked and described them. Drawn and…

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Fun in Five

Year 5 have enjoyed lots of fun things this week. We have been looking at a new poem in English called By St Thomas Water. In Mathematics, we have been looking at time and learning how to read timetables. In DT we have been designing a healthy dip that we could eat with snacks. Last week, we…

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Image of Chernobyl

We began learning about Chernobyl in Geography. We watched a range of clips that gave us an insight into what happened at Chernobyl the day the reactor exploded. We then had to write a diary entry from the perspective of someone who was being evacuated from their home after the eruption. In the…

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Rainbow Adders

Highlights of the Week

1. We learnt about what animals need for survival. 

2. We made cards and gifts for Mothering Sunday.

3. We have been adding two 2-digit numbers with regrouping. 

4. We continued to learn and revise our reading skills. 

5. We have been blending Phase 5…

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A beautiful week

A beautiful week

What a beautiful week we have had in Moonbeam Class this week, both with the weather and with each other.


Highlights of our week:

- In Science we went on a plant hunt for wild and garden plants around the School grounds.

- We have identified half of a 2D shape…

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A wonderful week of weather

This week our top moments have been:

  • “We’ve been learning about the grid method.” – Maddison
  • “We have finished making our Anglo-Saxon boats with Miss Hargreaves.” – Leyton & Israel
  • “Yesterday we made Mother’s Day cards.” – Lucy
  • “In English we have been looking at rap poems.” –…
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We’ve got a spring in our step…

Apologies for no blog last week but I was off school poorly with shingles. I’m sure the children told you all about their fun and adventures with Miss Bryson and Mrs Hudson. I know they all really enjoyed red nose day too.

This week we have really enjoyed…

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Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

We have had lots of fun in Year 5 today. We celebrated Comic Relief in class with a number of activities. We all came dressed in red with a variety of noses, which we later ran 'nose and spoon' races. We played HeadHunters with Year 6, where we had to find a variety of pictures around the school…

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