Rainbow Roads

Highlights of the Week 

1. This week was road safety week.

2. We have learnt stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 of Right Start Child Pedestrian Training.

3. We have created road safety posters.

4. We have worked with the crossing patrol warden. 

5. We have created tally charts about…

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Enterprise Project

Image of Enterprise Project

What a two weeks it has been! Over the last two weeks we have been running our Business Enterprise Tuck Shop. Last week, we prepared tuck and served it to KS1 and this week we did the same for the KS2 classes.

This is a project that we have been working on since we completed our SATs and all of…

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Animals all around us

This week started off with a really exciting visit to the farm that came to school. We enjoyed looking at the animals and finding out all about them. We did some writing about our favourite animal and learned how to use question marks on the end of a question.

Our story this week was “Billy’s…

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A short but sweet week

We have certainly packed a lot into a 4-day week this week! 

In English we have been planning, writing and recording our own audiobook retelling the story The Dragon Slayer.

In Mathematics, we are continuing our learning on time, looking at converting intervals of time and sequencing the…

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Rainbow Mills

Five highlights of the week -

1. We drew some Lancashire cotton mills inspired drawings. 

2. We have been inspired by Mondrian abstract art. 

3. We have had fun doubling and halving numbers. 

4. We learnt about the Jewish shabbat. 

5. Take a look at our work on the…

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A fabulous four day week

We have had a fabulous four day week in Moonbeam Class and here are some of our highlights:

- We have enjoyed using bee bots as part of our direction and position work in Mathematics.

- We explored our similarities and what we have in common with our friends in PSHCE.

- In Geography we…

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Great Greeks

Image of Great Greeks

Great Greeks!


Year 5 have been enjoying learning all about Ancient Greece during summer term, so we had a Greek day where we took part in our own Olympics, tasted Greek food and wrote our names using the Greek alphabet. The children really enjoyed this and we have learned a lot about…

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Silver Class' Week

This week we have been focusing on the ladder method in Mathematics, the children have worked hard to master this method and use their times tables to support them. 

In English we have continued developing our virtual tours all about school. The children have enjoyed researching and writing all…

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A sunny week in Sunshine class

Oh how we have all shone brightly like the sun this week! 

It has been a great week in our class this week. The sunshine has made us all feel happy and we have spent lots of time outside.

Our biggest achievement this week is our performance during the Music assembly on Tuesday. We performed…

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First Aid Training

Image of First Aid Training

This week (Thursday 16th June and Friday 17th June) we have had the opportunity to practise a range of basic First Aid skills. The children loved learning these crucial life skills, asked a range of interesting question and most importantly, had a go at as much practical work as they could.…

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Guest Bloggers - Isaac and Esme

This week we have been outside lots in the sunshine! 

Our top 5 moments this week are:

1) We have been making our dads some cards for Father's day - Isaac

2) Wednesday was sports day. My favourite race was the running race - Esme

3) Miss Cookson has been teaching us how to tell the…

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A Sporty Week

This week we have all enjoyed the lovely weather and have had lots of fun outdoors.

On Monday we enjoyed our move up afternoon where we met our new teacher Miss Wilson for year 1.

On Tuesday we practised our races for Sports Day and made our Dads special cards for Fathers Day.


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