Our week in Sunshine class as told by the children:-
“We have played bowling to learn taking away” – JJ
“We have been doing lots of subtraction, it has been fun “- Phoebe
“I have enjoyed phonics and one of the new sounds this week ‘ow’ “-Tilly
“We have been learning Poems about…
Fractions can be fun!
This week we have been focusing on Fractions and Decimals in Mathematics. The children have enjoyed learning more about how to use these skills more this week. We have completed a treasure hunt to answer questions finding fractions of amounts to get to the end of the treasure map. We have…
Top 5 from Week 2
- Awesome Revision in Mathematics and English – all the children are doing themselves proud! A massive well done!
- We learnt about the Human Life Cycle in Science, learning about the seven stages and about what happens in each of the stages. We then created a timeline displaying this…
Lining up
This week in Bronze class we have been busy learning all about lines in Mathematics. We have learnt about horizontal, vertical, diagonal, perpendicular and parallel lines. The children have been amazing at finding examples of these all around school!
In English we have been continuing to read…
Rainbow Poets
Highlights of the week -
1. We have been learning about arrays and missing number addition in Mathematics.
2. In reading we have been listening to poems, inferring the meaning of the poems and answering questions.
3. In Science, we learnt about the habitats of animals.
4. We learnt…
All about 3D shapes
Our focus in Mathematics this week has been 3D shapes.
We have:
- Made 3D shape models
- Learnt about their properties including vertices, edges and faces
- Incorporated our knowledge of 2D shapes to describe the shape faces on a 3D shape
- Found everyday objects in the environment…
An eggstremely good week
This weeks top 10 moments
- Learning the difference between fiction and non-fiction with our egg books
- Finding out which living things hatch from eggs
- Learning the names of animal babies
- Learning how to double numbers
- Singing our new doubling…
We're Back!
Welcome back!! It has been another busy week in Gold Class as we begin Summer Term. The highlights of our first week back are:
- We had a busy week in Mathematics as we prepare for our upcoming SATs, This week we have practising a range of arithmetic skills, including spotting the errors that…
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back Everyone!
It is so good to be back. We have had a great first week after the Easter break. We have been busy in Year 5 learning lots of new things and having great fun along the way.
In English, we have been looking at explorers and talking about places we might like to explore…
Welcome to Ancient Rome!
Today we finished our History topic from last half term all about the Romans by having a Roman Day.
Some of the activities we completed in our Roman Passport included:
- Making a Roman mosaic tile
- Sculpting a Roman vase
- Competing in a Javelin throwing competition (Logan and Rossi…
Rainbow Symmetry
Highlights of the week
1. We found and drew lines of symmetry of 2D shapes.
2. We read non-fiction texts and answered questions.
3. We have been learning about The Seaside in Geography.
4. We taste tested fruits and vegetables in DT.
5. We have been given our new homework…
3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather over the bank holiday weekend.
We started off Summer Term with a trip to the moon! We were all very excited as we prepared for our flight in the rocket through space and up to the moon. We tried some…