
Image of Classification

This week we have carried out a range of scientific activities linked to our topic of Classification. We firstly classified a range of nonsense creatures based upon their visible characteristics (remembering that the creatures were not real so we could only classify them on visible aspects).

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Bright sparks

Image of Bright sparks

In Silver Class this week we have been very busy with lots of learning! 


Here are our top 5 moments of the week:

1) "We have been learning about conductors and insulators and making circuits to test different materials." - Isaac

2) "In Maths we have been learning to find the…

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Shapes all around us

Image of Shapes all around us

This week has been a week of shapes and Harvest.

Really fun week finding shapes all around us

Everybody has made a scarecrow shape picture

Celebrated Harvest in our assembly on Thursday

The LEP took our photo for the newspaper on Thursday

All week we have been reading Percy the…

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Week 6 - Celebration

We had a celebration of the Harvest Festival.


Top 5 moments of the week


1. We celebrated our Harvest Festival with music and readings in a special assembly.

2. In Mathematics, we learnt how to use column subtraction.

3. We have been writing our non-fiction report about…

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Full of surprises

This week in English we have started our new unit of poetry. We have been looking at rhythm and rhyme and discussing what we enjoy in each poem. Our favourite poem has been Full of surprises by Paul Cookson. We have enjoyed using our imagination when telling each other what we would like to come…

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Maximum 'Vaultage'

Image of Maximum 'Vaultage'

In PE this week we continued to practise a range of balances on the mats as well as practising how to jump on and off benches. We also got the vaults out and practised mounting the vaults, travelling onto the vaults and jumping from the vaults, again practising a range of jumps.

In Science this…

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Shining Diamonds

In Mathematics, we have been learning about angles and how to measure them with a protractor. We know they are called acute, obtuse, reflex, right angle and straight line.

In English, we have read Friend or Foe.

In science, we made a life size solar system with fruit and toilet roll.

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Sensing Autumn

This week we have really explored Autumn time and how the environment around us is changing. We have collected conkers which we then used in our creative activities and to help us with counting and Maths work; finding 7,8 9 and 10. In English we created Autumn poetry using our senses. Every key…

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The Big Green Dragon!

On Monday morning we had a surprise in our classroom! The Big Green Dragon had visited our classroom on Sunday night, leaving a letter and a lot of mess in our classroom. We cleaned it up, read the letter and then looked for clues on how he got in. On Tuesday we wrote letters to the Dragon and…

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Week 5 - Got to be Certain

This week you have got to be certain you are following the correct steps to success for column addition. 

Top five moments of the week - 

1. We have written a story about Aya, a princess from Ancient Egypt. 

2. We have been been learning how to use column addition to add 3-digit numbers…

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An energetic week in Rainbow

This week in English we have written some fantastic letters to Grandma from Silly Billy.

During our Mathematics lessons we have been looking at measuring different classroom objects in centimetres and metres.

Our Science lessons this week have been all about the importance for humans to…

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Out of this world!

This week in Silver Class the children have been working very hard to plan and then write their biographies about Neil Armstrong. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about his life, including his famous journey to the Moon. "Did you know Neil narrowly escaped death?" - Viaan

In Science, we…

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