Christmas Week
Christmas Week in Rainbow Class
Some of our class were readers in the Sunshine Class nativity
We joined in the whole school virtual Carol Concert
Festive Fun
Today, we made our whole class WW2 time line. Also we went on active learn (Maths flex) it wasn’t everyone’s favourite, but we all did it and did well. In the afternoon we had our film afternoon and watched Christmas Chronicles 2.
Festive Friday
Today has been a very festive day in Year 3. As we are wearing our fabulous Christmas jumpers we thought we'd get into the Christmas spirit with a day of Christmasness!
Top 5 Festive Friday moments:
1) "We have been watching The Grinch." - Leyton
2) "We went into the hall to record our…
Week 13: Christmas Cracker
The top five moments of this Christmas week -
1. Monday - We wrote fantastic descriptions from The Jolly Postman.
2. Tuesday - We had our special film afternoon watching The Grinch.
3. Wednesday - We made envelopes for our Christmas activities.
4. Thursday - We did a wonderful…
A Christmas week of festive fun
A Christmas week of festive fun
This week we have really got into the festive spirit.
Here are our top 10 festive moments of the week
- We have all written our Christmas cards.
- We have made tree decorations making our names with scrabble letters.
- We have wrapped our own gifts to…
On Monday, we learnt about simple and compound leaves in science. We went on a hunt in the school grounds looking for leaves to classify. Also in PE we had an obstacle course in the hall which included: star jumps, skipping, press ups and walking across the ladders.
Week 12: Step Into Elton's Christmas
Top Five Moments of the Week
1. We had a surprise visit from Father Christmas' elf - he is called Elton.
2. We have been counting in different steps in our Mathematics learning, steps of 2, 5, 10 and 3.
3. We have read The Jolly Postman and The Jolly Christmas Postman (and the Pocket…
The Nativity
The Nativity
This week has been all about Christmas and finding out about the very first Christmas long, long ago. We have been reading stories, talking about the characters and deciding who we would like to be in our own version of the Nativity next week.
We have also spent time making and…
Autumn Adventures
We have had a lovely week in Moonbeam Class this week and here’s 5 reasons why!
- We went on an Autumn Walk around the School grounds and then wrote a recount about our adventures, which the children worked very hard on and produces some wonderful pieces of writing.
- We have ordered mixed…
Our Week
This week our blog has been written by Emily Jones, our Deputy Head Girl, who has volunteered to write some of our blogs. Have a read of Emily's first blog of the year, below:
On Monday, we learnt about percentages and formal and…
Week 11: Orang-utan Adoption
Top Five Moments from this week!
1.We have done loads of learning about money! We have recognised coins, added coins together, found different combinations of coins that total the same amount and solved word problems.
2. In Science, we have been learning about the characteristics of birds,…
Moonbeam Moments
Here are our top five Moonbeam Moments:
1. We had a brilliant P.E lesson on Monday where the class all listened carefully and had fun travelling in different ways.
2. We have been completing subtraction calculations in Mathematics this week.
3. We have explored Sam’s diary and all the…