All About Muggles

  1. We have had a busy week in Diamond Class and in Mathematics we were particularly busy. We began the week by researching the places where we may find negative numbers in real life situations before answering questions based on real data. We then studied timetables and answered key questions…
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Yummy, yummy, yummy!

Yummy, yummy, yummy, I’ve got cake in my tummy and it tastes so good with butter cream!


We have loved our baking homework the past few weeks. Thank you to you all for your help at home with baking. The children have loved sharing their adventures in the kitchen with their friends and most…

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End of another busy week in Gold Class

Another busy week in Gold Class…

In maths we have been exploring angles and finding ways of working out missing angles (without using a protractor).

Did you know the interior angles of a Nonagon (9 sided shape) equal 1260°

In English we looked at verbs in poems. We learnt that the word…

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Week 20: Experimental Materials

1. We have learnt about multiplication arrays and finished formal subtraction problems. 

2. In RE we learnt how to keep promises and what promises we should keep.

3. We did a big experiment in Science, testing different materials. 

4. In English we learnt about poems. 

5. We recreated…

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Friday Fab Five

Here are our Friday Fab Five moments of the week!


1) Yesterday with Mrs Bradley we painted the wood for our picture frames in DT. Mine was white. - Casey

2) In English we are solving riddles - Ela

3) In Mathematics we are learning how to use column subtraction. I am getting better at…

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I'll huff and i'll puff

“I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff..”

This week has been all about those 3 little pigs and a very naughty wolf.

We have enjoyed reading and acting out this story this week in small groups. We were really brave and performed to the rest of the class. Everybody has completed some writing, remembering…

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Celebrating Chinese New Year

Image of Celebrating Chinese New Year

We have had a wonderful week in Moonbeam and have been super busy!


On Monday we had a terrific time celebrating all things Chinese New Year. We learnt about how the Chinese celebrate the New Year, we made our own Chinese dragon masks, went on a parade around School, played Chinese…

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Bronze Class Top 5

Bronze Class Top 5 Moments of the Week:

1) Writing our non-chronological reports about where we would like to live in the world.

2) Learning about equivalent fractions (and eating biscuits!)

3) Creating sequences in gymnastics and performing then to the class - see our gallery for some…

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Week 19: Super Subtraction

1. We celebrated Chinese New Year with a special parade, Chinese dance and banquet. 

2. We learnt how to subtract two 2-digit numbers using a written method (partitioning). 

3. We made Chinese flags and completed a reading skills task on Chinese New Year. 

4. Miss Wilson and Mrs Cole came…

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Kung Hei Fat Choy!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! Here is 10 ways we have celebrated Chinese New Year this week.

1. Finding out about and making Chinese Flags.

2. Tasting different Chinese foods.

3. Listening to Chinese music.

4. Learning how to say Happy New Year in Chinese.

5. Making dragon masks.

6. Writing…

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Another Busy Week

1. We began writing our own diary entry from the perspective of someone who lived during the Black Death. We had to consider what symptoms we could see around us, what the plague doctors were doing and what actions other people around us were taking.


2. In Science, we tested the difference…

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Where would you like to live?

This week in English we have been researching a country we would like to live in because next week we will be writing our own non-chronological report about this country. 

"I would like to live in France because I want to go up the Eiffel Tower." - Indy

"The capital city of China is…

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