Time After Time

Another busy week in Rainbow Class... 

English - We learnt more about the world of chocolate and Mr. Wonka.

Mathematics - We have been able to tell the time (o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to).

Science - We have been on a plant hunt. 

Geography - We have explore the…

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Money, money, money

Here are some parts of our learning from this week:

Science – We have been on a plant hunt looking for wild and garden plants.

English – We hab carried on with our new fiction book ‘The Man on the Moon’, where we have described the setting using adjectives, sequenced the events and created a…

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Emily's Gold Class Blog

Image of Emily's Gold Class Blog


On Monday, we did our spelling test in the morning and then started to learn about the Jabberwocky in English. After lunch, we started our PE topic on Orienteering and had to run around the school grounds searching for Orienteering flags. Our RE topic today was about what happens after…

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Green Fingered!

Image of Green Fingered!

This week (and last) in Bronze class we have been learning about how plants grow. The children have planted their own plants and will be bringing these home in the next few weeks. 

"We have been growing sunflowers." - Maddison

"We have been watering them most days." - Damian

"We put some…

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Division Dudes

A busy week of learning in Rainbow Class. 

English - We have been learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and how chocolate is made. 

Mathematics - We divided 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and then found remainders. 

PE - We have had three lots of PE this week, throwing,…

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A Fantastic First Week Back!

Image of A Fantastic First Week Back!

A warm welcome back to you all! This week has been a busy one but a really enjoyable one and I think everyone has enjoyed being back after half term. The blog this week has been written by Emily Jones again who is our chief blogger!



On Monday, we practiced our skill of long…

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The sun has got its hat on!

Image of The sun has got its hat on!

Welcome back! The sun has had its hat on all week for our first week back which has been wonderful.

We have spent lots of time in our outdoor area this week and incorporated our Mathematics topic of capacity and volume and the children have loved measuring out water using different sized jugs…

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We have had a very busy and very sunny week back at school. 


English - We have learnt about chocolate and reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Mathematics - We have been revising our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. 

Science - We planted seeds and placed them in unusual…

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Welcome back!

Welcome back to our final term in Year 3 - where has the year gone!!


Our Bronze Class top 5 moments of the week are...

1) We started reading Ottoline and the Yellow Cat in English - Iyla-Rose

2) In History we are learning about the Romans. The Romans invaded Britain over 2000 years…

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Red Nose Fun

What a couple of weeks it has been. 

We have been so busy in Rainbow Class. 

Red Nose Day has arrived and this year it’s never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. We need the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting…

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Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

What a busy but fantastic day we have had today for Red Nose Day!


1. We bought Red Noses to support a really good cause and designed our own Red Noses and our theme for future Red Nose Day's.

2. We carried out a Red Nose Day quiz in different teams. The three different categories were -…

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A very Merry Christmas


This week we have thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas party day with a Christmas dinner, crafts and party games. We have also made calendars, baubles, elves, cards and wrapping paper over the past couple of weeks to bringMERRY CHRISTMAS!

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed our…

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