
Wednesday saw a fun morning had by some of our junior children, together with some of our friends from Ingol Community Primary school. We had a tangram-tastic (do you see what I did there?!) time, making and solving Tangram puzzles. These seven-piece puzzles, made from polygons, can be used to…

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Sensational Salads

In Design Technology this week we have been

"Making our own salad." - Sophia

"We had to design a salad before making it." - Filip

"We had to wash our hands before we made our salad." - Ellie

"Our hair must be tied back." - Maryam

"We cut the vegetable in our salad. Mine had peppers…

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Practise makes perfect

Our classroom has transformed into all things Christmas! Since we have been rehearsing for our Nativity, the children have been so excited so we have decided to change things around a little bit. We now have a Santa’s grotto in our role play and we have decorated the entire room into a Christmas…

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Dancing the days away

Moonbeam class have had another busy week, filled with challenges, sorting animals into categories and singing.


We have started singing rehearsals for our nativity this week and the children have tried amazingly hard to remember the words and it all sounds wonderful…so far, so good! We…

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Alan and Nicole C write the blog!

This week we have been working really hard in English and Maths.


In English we have been learning about onomatopoeia.

We have been doing poems with Onomatopoeia in it its really fun.

Onomatopoeia is a sound that makes the noise of it.


In Maths we have been doing subtract and…

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Team work makes the dream work!

This week in Rainbow class we have been focusing on working together as a team. 

As part of our PSHCE we need to learn how to understand other people's feelings and to co-operate. 

"In PE we played ladders." - Indy

"We also played chain tig." - Sophia

"We caught the ball playing Odd…

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How can I help you?

Another amazing week over with, and how time flies when we are having fun. 

We have enjoyed finding out more about people who help us, playing particular attention to the jobs of a police officer. We were extra lucky to have a visit from 2 police officers on Thursday afternoon, (Please see our…

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Children in Need

Image of Children in Need

Children in Need Day


"Today we have been wearing something yellow." - Ben

"We are wearing yellow for Children in Need to raise money." - Emily

"We have done crafts today." - Bobbi-Jack

"I have been colouring a Pudsey bear." - Filip

"On the computers we drew a picture of Pudsey…

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This week we have enjoyed our new activities in the classroom, finding hidden words to sound out, writing tricky words in our mark making area and using the number monster to help us with our addition.


We have been exploring various habitats and insects this week as part of our English…

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Are you up to the challenge?

The main thing for my blog this week (as I missed all the spotty fun on Friday!), was the introduction of the Star Reading Challenge in school. On Wednesday, we had an assembly to look at what was involved in the reading challenge and all the exciting, different ways that we can enjoy books,…

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People who help us

This week has been centered around people who help us. We have found out about lots of different jobs and the things people might do at work to help others.

We went for a big walk on Monday to find people in our community who help such as the Doctors and the Dentist.

We have a super police…

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We will remember them

Where has the week gone? This term is flying by already.


In Science this week we have been explorers, looking at different habitats around the School grounds and looking for different living things. We found spiders, worms and saw a squirrel! The children were very excited about all the…

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