Run run as fast as you can

The gingerbread man has been the focus of the activities in sunshine class this week. We have all talked about and drawn or painted the characters from the story. We have talked about the animals and their features as we have painted. Each group has acted out the story and performed to the rest of…

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Testing, testing, 1,2, 3...

So sorry that I’ve not ‘blogged’ for the past couple of weeks, it’s been a busy-old time. I’m back now and will try to re-cap what has been happening since we’ve been back in school. For a few weeks, I was in Rainbow Class in the mornings. In mathematics, we looked at place value; number bonds to…

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Libraries and Dragons

WOW! This week we have been amazingly busy with so many exciting things happening in Moonbeam Class.


This week we visited Ingol Library with Mrs Dorota, Mrs Agic and Mrs Hudson. We had a lovely afternoon walking down as a class on our first little trip and the children behaved impeccably,…

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Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…

This week has been full of activities to encourage the children to make lots of friendships. Some children have gone out of their way to make new friends by being kind and caring towards others, by sharing the resources, or by engaging in…

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Back to business

After a lovely week with Mr Herd last week we are now back to business this week with Miss Ellison back with us. What a wonderful start to Bronze class we have had. 

The children have received many compliments from other adults in school about their super behaviour in and around school - keep…

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Sunshine superstars

What a sensational first week we have had together. The children have had a week settling into their new surroundings, exploring the resources both in the classroom, and outside.

We have been learning our routines; enjoying time with the whole school in assemblies and at lunch time, tidying…

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Starting big school

After 2 full days in Sunshine class we are feeling extremely proud of how wonderful and settled the children seem. We have had a very busy couple of days exploring our new classroom and touring the school to find people we know and who might be able to help us. We hope you enjoyed seeing the…

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Marvellous Moonbeam

Welcome to Moonbeam Class! We have had a fantastic first week in our new class and have enjoyed getting to know one another. The children have settled in really well and I am thoroughly proud of them.

We have welcomed two new members to our class this week and all of the children have been…

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Gold Class Propaganda

A big welcome back! Where has the time gone? I remember teaching most of you at the end of year 2 and now here we all are again – in your final year of Primary School.


This has been a week of getting used to the new routines and expectations of year 6. We decided upon presentation…

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Where did the summer go? Here we go, week 1.

This week in English we have been learning about poetry and this morning we did a 45 minute nonstop big write .Yesterday we wrote a letter pretending we was a little girl called Lulu.


This week in maths we did place value and we did missing numbers. Also in maths we did work in our little…

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Where has the time gone?

Image of Where has the time gone?

It genuinely feels like only two minutes since it was September and all of the children were arriving in school with very clean, well-fitting uniforms. Everyone's grown that bit taller (or the uniform has shrunk!) and we are crawling towards the Summer holidays, all ready for a long break.


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Image of Bonjour!

Bonjour de la classe arc-en-ciel (Hello from Rainbow class)

Our last full week in Rainbow class and what a busy week it has been!!


On Tuesday we celebrated French day in Rainbow class, looking at basic phrases in French, building Eiffel towers, tasting french food, colouring the french…

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