Welcome Back

Welcome back after the half term. 

This term is certainly going to be filled with lots of fun, laughter and hard work!!

In English this week the children have been learning about the Museum of fun, the children are exploring how to make the museum a more exciting place. They have been…

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What a busy first week back

Unfortunately this week Mrs Parkinson has been off sick. The children have kept in contact with her by writing letters to her in our key groups. On Monday Mrs Parkinson sent each group a game to play and a letter asking us all about our half term, the children wrote back telling her something they…

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Why do elephants big ears?

Our first week back and it feels as though we’ve never been away!


This week we have started our Ebook “All About Elephants” and we are trying to find out why elephants have such big ears.


“I think they need big ears to make wind.”

- Ines.


“I think they have big ears so…

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Guest Blogger - Emily Duffy

The children have been developing their typing skills recently and have been writing their own blog posts using Word. This week we have chosen Emily to be our guest blogger. 


This week in rainbow class we have been…

DT-We have been learning how to do sliders of the ginger bread man

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Celebrating good times

This week we have celebrated learning to tell the time for o’clock and half past. The children have surpassed my expectations with learning to tell the time and I am super proud of them.


We have also celebrated the festival of Vaisakhi in our final lesson on Sikhism for this term, in R.E.…

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The end of another half term already?!!!

This week in Rainbow class we have been revising what we have already learnt so far this year.

In maths the children have recapped the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have revised the written methods that we have learnt in year 2 and applied these…

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Remember, remember...to improve your visual memory!

Tuesday afternoon involved a trip to the library with year 6. It was good to see all the children, sitting enthralled by the story that was read to them. They also learnt about the Dewey system of cataloguing the books in the library and had a go at shelving one of the books themselves…they found…

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This week we continued to read War Horse and consider poetry that has similar links. We were given the task to compare and contrast the life of the horses before the war and their life during the war. To help us compose our own poetry we analysed the work of Lucy Gertrude Moberley and considered…

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What time is it Mr. Wolf?

We have had a wonderful week in Moonbeam Class. Our Mathematics lessons have been all about telling the time. We have looked at o’clock and half past so far, on analogue clocks. The children have all picked it up so quickly and I am so proud of them all for working so hard. I definitely think the…

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Our guest blogger this week is.... Ellie Bradbury!

This week in rainbow class we have been very busy. 

The star of the week is Emily. Our merit certificate winners are Eliza and me (Ellie) well done.

In maths we have been doing Division  some with reminders in. On Friday we have been making chocolate in English we have been learning about…

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The sky is the limit

Our heads have been in the sky this week with the class enjoying our new airport role play area. We have flown to a host of different destinations from visiting Mickey in America, to China to celebrate their new year.

The children have joined in with the Chinese festivities this week. We have…

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Snow is falling...

This week the children have been working with money in Mathematics and they have worked really hard to recognise different coins and their value and make different amounts. In English we have been exploring Little Red Riding hood and after our amazing work on Wednesday, we went out into the snow…

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