Amy's week in Diamond class

In English we have been looking at narrative poems like "Millers End " and " By St Thomas water"  and in Mathematics we have been learning about improper fractions and how to convert them to proper fractions e.g 7/6= 1 1/6 In geography we planned routes using co-ordinates. In Science we look at…

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A belated Chinese New Year

This half term in Geography we have been learning about China and comparing it to England. 

"Today we tried different Chinese food. I liked the egg noodles." - Sophia

"We are learning about how chinese new year is celebrated." - Charley

"My favourite was the egg noodles." - Millie


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Sunny sunshiners

This week we have enjoyed more time outside enjoying the sunshine and our outdoor environment. We have been learning how to play nicely with the outdoor toys, sharing with our friends, and not mixing the materials up. Niamh and Hannah painted some beautiful spring pictures on the outdoor easel,…

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A Puzzled Brain!

Nothing new here I hear you cry...Mrs Hanigan with a puzzled brain! There was a good reason for it today, as fourteen children from our Early Years and infant department, came together with ten children from Ingol County Primary School, to take part in a fun morning, looking at our brain, how we…

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Spring clean

Image of Spring clean

This week we have been very busy with lots of different events and lots of learning in class.


In English we have finally found out why elephants have big ears!


“They have big ears to cool down when it’s hot. They flap them and the blood cools down and goes around the body.” –…

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Sonny's blog

This week in gold class we have been learning about the Iron Man and we have been learning about what he eats. We have made a menu for him and we have also been revising for are SATS. We have been given a SATS revision book that we use at home.

It has also been Red Nose Day and we had to wear…

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Eco Warriors! By Jack and Jehanna

This week our guest bloggers are Jack and Jehanna. 

Today our class have come in our own clothes and we have cleaned round Nisa, the Community centre and the car park. We are doing this for the Big School Clean. We picked up rubbish.

In English we have been writing about Jack and the giant…

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Spring is in the air

This week we have celebrated the start of the Spring season by finding out all about Spring time and how the environment changes.

The Pear group wrote a lovely poem:

Beautiful yellow daffodils (Lillie)

Jumping green frogs (Kyra)

Baby chicks hatching (Hope)

Tadpoles in the pond…

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Weather, seeds and big ears

We started off our week by developing our gymnastics skills in P.E and moved in the way of different animals. We recapped doubling of numbers in Maths and discussed why we have rules and why they are important.


“We have rules in School so we don’t hurt ourselves in School.  If we run in…

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Guest blogger of the week - Dylan

Amazing week in rainbow class!


In p.e. we have been doing tennis [Ellie]

In science we have been doing arctic animals [Kyle]

In English we have been doing learning about Jack and the beanstalk [Ben]

We grew sunflowers for our Jack and the giant sunflower story. [Sophia]


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Red nose day - Ruby Lewis

This week in Gold class...

In English, we've been having fun creating Iron Menu's for The Iron Man! The food has ranged from giant turbo jet wings, to electric steel train tracks! We were not at all tempted to take a bite out of the copper washing machines and old, rusty…

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Sun flower labels... Alan k

This Week in bronze class we know a new app called Active learn (Join it) its an app what you earn points and make a character and play Maths ,English and books to play.


We are learning about time, 10 past 4 is 16:10 well i think. Tuesday i finally got it i knew what to…

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