The Iron Man Experience

A new blog for a new half term. 

This week has been a very different week. 

Year 5 and Year 6 went to Anderton Centre for an adventure week. 

In our class, we have been learning lots. 

1) At Gardening Club, Mrs Miller has planted sunflower seeds. 

2) We junk modelled our own Iron…

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Mr Turpin and Friends

Four top moments of Year 4 -

1) Mr Bamber read our minds. 

2) We have been learning about short division in Mathematics. 

3) In History, we have learnt about Dick Turpin. 

4) We practised and planned our news report. 

Star - Korben 

Merits - Emmanuella and Joe 

Politeness -…

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Have you been watching?

Top 4 moments in 4 - 

1. We learnt all about the multiplication grid method. 

2. We have learnt about John Logie Baird. 

3. We completed our Science experiment on teeth hygiene. 

4.  We danced to the Greatest Showman soundtrack with Miss Leah. 

Star of the week - Jake 

Merits - …

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The End of the Iron Man

Four Moments in Four - 

1. We conducted an experiment about tooth hygiene, we placed eggs (representing teeth) into different liquids. They were - fizzy pop, water, milk, orange juice and soap. 

2. We have spent the week planning, writing and editing our own stories based on the works of Ted…

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Column Addition plus the Iron Man

Four in 4 - Four outstanding moments of the week:

1. We finished reading the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. 

2. Alfie joined our class and likes our Friday afternoons. 

3. We all created our own self portraits. 

4. This week we have mastered column addition. 

Star of the week -…

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The Return of Silver Class

Year 4's Four To One - the top moments of the week! 

4. Learning about the Iron Man. 

3. We have enjoyed coming back to a new (old) teacher - Mr Bamber. 

2. We have had a really good laugh this week, but done lots of learning. 

1. We have learnt all about place value in…

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Operation: Kenya

Top five moments of the week -

1. We looked at tourism in Kenya. 

2. We have been learning about magnets in Science.

3. We taste tested pizza toppings and made pizza boxes. 

4. Mr Price taught us about right angles.

5. In Reading Skills we have been continuing The Sheep…

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The Sheep Pig

Five things about The Sheep Pig -

1. Babe is a special piglet. 

2. Farmer Hoggett won the piglet at the village fair. 

3. Fly the Sheep Dog became very fond of the piglet. 

4. Mrs Hoggett wanted to fatten up the piglet for a roast dinner. 

5. Farmer Hoggett did not want to let Babe…

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Top five moments of the week -

We sang Lion King and musical songs in a special Music assembly. 

We learnt more about The Sheep Pig and farmer Hogget.

We explored the Safari parks in Kenya. 

We learnt about volunteers and volunteering. 

We have written emails to our Alaskan pen…

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Millilitre Madness

Top five moments of the week -

In Science with Mr Price we learnt about forces, including friction. 

We learnt how to use the atlas and researched the countries in Africa. 

We explored volume and capacity in Mathematics, measuring in millilitres. 

We know all about suffixes and…

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Beasts, Dragons and Monsters

Top five moments of the week -

1. We have been learning about legend stories and read about the white dragons. 

2. We have learnt how to use grid method to solve multiplication problems. 

3. We learnt all about Boudicca, the Celtic queen. 

4. We danced to a new song with Miss Leah,…

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Five top moments -

1. We did so well on our spelling test we got an extra break time in the snow. 

2. We have learnt about Roman shields and armour. 

3. We have explored legend stories including the Dragon Slayer. 

4. We compared and sorted vertebrates and invertebrates. 

5. We had…

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