Sing a song for Harvest

Image of Sing a song for Harvest

This week we have been celebrating Harvest. 


We really enjoyed practising our 'In my trolley' song for the assembly and we hope you all enjoyed watching us in our assembly. 


In RE this week we have been learning about Harvest and how it is celebrated. We have been writing about…

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Ready, Steady, BAKE!

This week in Rainbow class we have been very busy!

"We have been learning about 2D shapes and making our own posters about them." - Esther


In DT we have been learning about vegetables and healthy eating.

"We made a healthy salad collage." - Ada


"In computing we were playing…

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London's burning!

This week in Rainbow Class we have been learning "all about london" - Nicole W

"There was a fire that started on Pudding Lane." - Kayden

"The fire started in 1666" - Caroline

"The fire started in Thomas Farriner's bakery." - Arham. 

We designed our own Stuart period houses like they…

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Another week flown by!

I can't believe it's already the end of week one. We've had a very busy one and have been settling into the routines of being in Year 2 this week. 

In maths we have been looking at place value but getting creative with food to help us learn. The children are beginning to understand how many…

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Rainbow classes first ever blog!

A big welcome to Rainbow class! What an amazing first week we have had. Miss Ellison and Miss Hargreaves have had the best week! The children have come in very settled and very grown up, definitely ready for year 2.

We have decided to tell you all about our first week in Rainbow class for our…

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On your marks, get set, GO!!

This week has been another VERY busy week in school! 

On Monday and Tuesday we focussed on our Seaside topic by learning about Victorian seasides and comparing seaside resorts from then to now. The children designed post cards, made seaside pictures on Paint on the laptops, created their own…

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Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Image of Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

This week in Rainbow class we have been busy learning about the seaside. We are beginning our final topic and this week have focussed on the geography side of learning about where a seaside resort is on the map and some of the features of a seaside resort. 


Yesterday we also looked at…

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Mrs Ridings last week!

This week, sadly, is Mrs Ridings last week with us so we thought we would have a blog sharing our favourite moments with Mrs Ridings. 


"This week in English we have finished off our non-chronological reports about Katie Morag." - Atlanta

"There is lots of wildlife on the Isle of Struay.…

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That time of week again!

We can't believe it is already Friday again! This last half term is flying by. 


This week we have been talking about our move up to Year 3 in Rainbow class. We have been to see our new classroom and also found out that our new teacher in September is going to be Mr Bamber! We have set up a…

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We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Image of We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

What an exciting, hectic week we have had in Rainbow class this week! 


After a relaxing week off, we came back on Monday ready and raring to go for our last half term in Year 2! (Something that makes Miss Ellison a little sad!) On Tuesday we got our waterproofs and wellies on and off we…

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Glorious Sunshine!!!

Image of Glorious Sunshine!!!

Well doesn't the sunshine just put you in a fabulous mood! After a very hard working half term, Rainbow class have been enjoying the sunshine and relaxing a little!

"This week in English we have been putting words together (contracted words)" - Emily J

We have also been looking at spelling…

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A week of hard work!

Apologies for a delayed blog post but after such a busy week last week Rainbow class were too busy celebrating the end of SATs on Friday!


I have to start by saying a huge WELL DONE to everyone in Rainbow class. All our hard work and determination this year has shown last week as the…

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