Moving on up!

Welcome to our new Bronze class blog! This week has been a wonderful week with my new class and I have had so much fun! The children have worked very hard settling into the new routines of being in the juniors and are so grown up already. 


Here are our top 5 moments of the week

1) "We…

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What a good sport!

Today we have been getting sporty for Sport Relief. 

We have been given lots of challenges from Mrs Parkinson to complete today including:

- The Trainer Toss where Dylan was able to throw one of Mrs Parkinson's trainers the furthest. 

- Jog/run around school for 15 minutes with Mrs…

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Bronze Class Top 5 of the Week - Written by Jehanna Hajarie

Bronze class top 5 moments of the week.


-In English we have been reading a book called George and the Dragon it was a Legend. We were reading another book called the beast with thousand teeth.


-We were making some pink cupcakes for the beast because he only liked the pink…

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Friday Fab Five

Here are our Friday Fab Five moments of the week!


1) Yesterday with Mrs Bradley we painted the wood for our picture frames in DT. Mine was white. - Casey

2) In English we are solving riddles - Ela

3) In Mathematics we are learning how to use column subtraction. I am getting better at…

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Bronze Class Top 5

Bronze Class Top 5 Moments of the Week:

1) Writing our non-chronological reports about where we would like to live in the world.

2) Learning about equivalent fractions (and eating biscuits!)

3) Creating sequences in gymnastics and performing then to the class - see our gallery for some…

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Where would you like to live?

This week in English we have been researching a country we would like to live in because next week we will be writing our own non-chronological report about this country. 

"I would like to live in France because I want to go up the Eiffel Tower." - Indy

"The capital city of China is…

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What a sweet week!

This week in Bronze class we have been learning about different places to live in our English topic of 'Where would you like to live?' 

"We made brigadeiros which are little chocolate treats from Brazil." - Charley

"In Brazil, because it is so hot, they finish school at 11am and go home for…

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Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone!

This week we've been discussing how we are now in a new decade! Miss Ellison also explained that she has now lived in 4 different decades (just!) so the children helped me to feel very old this week!!! But we are certainly raring to go this half term. 

Our new English…

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It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas...

Image of It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas...

This week in Bronze class we have been starting to get ready for Christmas!

"We have written letters to Santa." - Casey

"I asked for an air track because I have been helpful and kind this year." - Alara

"We have been doing some Christmas crafts, colouring and making Rudolph." -…

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Keeping our bodies healthy!

"In science we were learning about how exercise keeps us healthy." - Nevaeh

Why is exercise important?

"It keeps our body strong" - Charley

"Its good to keep your bloody pumping around your body." - Joey

"It makes your muscles stronger." - Ela

"It makes your brain work better." -…

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Fruity Friday

Today we have been creating our own cocktails as part of our mathematics lesson on capacity.

The children had to follow the recipe and accurately measure the ingredients in ml. 

"1000ml = 1 litre" - Indy

"I made a cocktail with lemonade, orange juice and apple juice." - Emily

We also…

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Children in Need

Today we have been raising money for Children in Need. 

"Today we dressed in yellow or wore spots." - Cassidy

"We decorated biscuits like Pudsey."- Charley

"We had a design Pudsey's new hair competition." - Bobbi

The winner of this competition was Joey.


"In science we have been…

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