Moving on up!

Welcome back and a huge welcome to Year 3! I hope everyone has had a lovely summer. 


Our Top Five moments of the week (2 days!) 

1) "We have moved class! We are now in Bronze Class. Today we went on the laptops and typed a message to Miss Ellison." - Hope

2) "We've had fun! I like my…

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Week 3

Where is this final half term going?! I can't believe we are already finishing our third week! 

Top 5 Bronze Class moments this week are:

1) "We have been designing our own sandwiches in DT. Mine has tuna and cheese on it. We are going to make them next week" - Maddison

2) "We have been…

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Week 1

Welcome back to our final half term in Year 3. 

This week's top 5 moments are...

1) "We have been learning about Legends. We read the story 'George and the Dragon.'" - Damian

2) "We have been giving out kindness awards this week to anyone who is kind to their friends." - Elle

3) "In…

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Roman Day

Image of Roman Day

Yesterday in Bronze Class we had a Roman themed day to end our History topic this half term where we have been learning all about the Romans. 

Here are some of the things we enjoyed yesterday:

"I enjoyed eating all the food. My favourite food was everything, apart from the porridge!" -…

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Happy Friday everyone! 

This week our top 5 Bronze class moments are:

1) "In French we have been learning our body parts and singing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French." - Aaron

If you want to watch our video of us singing this song, here is the link below!

2) "In…

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Green Fingered!

Image of Green Fingered!

This week (and last) in Bronze class we have been learning about how plants grow. The children have planted their own plants and will be bringing these home in the next few weeks. 

"We have been growing sunflowers." - Maddison

"We have been watering them most days." - Damian

"We put some…

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Welcome back!

Welcome back to our final term in Year 3 - where has the year gone!!


Our Bronze Class top 5 moments of the week are...

1) We started reading Ottoline and the Yellow Cat in English - Iyla-Rose

2) In History we are learning about the Romans. The Romans invaded Britain over 2000 years…

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Festive Friday

Image of Festive Friday

Today has been a very festive day in Year 3. As we are wearing our fabulous Christmas jumpers we thought we'd get into the Christmas spirit with a day of Christmasness! 

Top 5 Festive Friday moments:

1) "We have been watching The Grinch." - Leyton

2) "We went into the hall to record our…

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Guest bloggers - Gabriella and Elle

This week our guest bloggers are Elle and Gabriella!


Hello everybody

Bronze class top 5 moments are:

1. In computing we went on scratch to learn how to program.

2. In PE we were doing different kinds of jumps in gymnastics.

3. In maths we have learnt how to add using column…

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Children in Need

This week we have been celebrating Children in Need and remembering those who have lost their lives due to war on Remembrance day. 


Top 5 moments of the week:

1) "We have been learning about soldiers and we watched a video about them and the war." - Maddison

2) "We made poppies…

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Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone! Can you believe it is already November and we are in our second half term!?!


This weeks Bronze Class Top 5 Moments are...

1) "We have been looking at poems. One of the poems we read was called 'Bully Night.' and we have been describing spring and autumn." -…

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What week is it?!

Image of What week is it?!

Believe it or not, this week is week 7 of Autumn Term!! Where has the time gone?!

This week we have got straight down to business and carried on our autobiographies in English. The children have been looking at the features of an autobiography including writing in past tense, first person and…

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