Classifying Creatures

Image of Classifying Creatures
  1. In Science this week we created our own classifying diagrams/branching diagrams. We first created diagrams for a range of ‘Flanimals’ (nonsense creatures) before also classifying a range of well-known biscuits too. This task will set us up nicely for classifying a range of animals and plants in…
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Image of Remembrance
  1. On Wednesday we remembered all those who have given their lives for us in various conflicts throughout the years. We created our own poems of remembrance and war and then read performed these to the class. We also created our own war themed silhouettes. Look out for these in our gallery…
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Happy Children in Need day!

Week 2 marks a very busy week with lots of special events and dates in the calendar. On Wednesday it was Remembrance Day and what we looked at what it means. The children were very respectful, asked lots of appropriate questions and carried out two minutes silence as a class. The children learnt…

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Week 9 Diamond Class

This week has been a busy week in year 5. We have continued to work hard on our maths skills. Each day we have been working through some start of the day activities which concentrate on our basic skills. In English we have been reading and studying poems written by Charles Causley and Michael…

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Week 9: Children In Need

Top five moments this week - 

1. We learnt about the basic needs of animals in Science. 

2.We have learnt how to multiply using arrays. 

3. We did two PE lessons this week, one all about gymnastics and one with Dan the Football Coach. 

4. We learnt more about the orang-utans and we…

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Children in Need

This week we have been celebrating Children in Need and remembering those who have lost their lives due to war on Remembrance day. 


Top 5 moments of the week:

1) "We have been learning about soldiers and we watched a video about them and the war." - Maddison

2) "We made poppies…

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This week in Sunshine class we have really focused on Remembrance Day. We have enjoyed talking about poppies, dissecting them and rebuilding them, moving like them in dance, painting them, creating them on biscuits and finding out all about soldiers a long time ago and how brave…

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Autumn Term 2

This week in year 6 we have continued our learning about Pompeii. This week, our task was to create a newspaper article that details the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii. In the build up to typing out our own report we covered a few useful topics:

  • How to use eye witness…
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Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone! Can you believe it is already November and we are in our second half term!?!


This weeks Bronze Class Top 5 Moments are...

1) "We have been looking at poems. One of the poems we read was called 'Bully Night.' and we have been describing spring and autumn." -…

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Week 8: Orang-utan

Top Five Moments of Week 8: 

1. We enjoyed speaking about Bonfire Night, we learnt about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. 

2. We learnt all about orang-utans and read our new non-fiction book. 

3. In PE, we played football with the football coach and we balanced in gymnastics. 

4. We…

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Zooming through the Week

Image of Zooming through the Week

Zooming through the week!

What a fabulous week we have had finding out all about Bonfire night and how it all began many years ago with the very naughty Guy Fawkes and his gunpowder barrels.

We have thoroughly enjoyed creating our own fireworks, Catherine wheels and rockets. We made lovely…

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Back into the swing of things

Image of Back into the swing of things

Welcome back to Autumn Term 2 where we are very excited to get straight back into learning and having fun with the children.

This week we have studied poetry in English and we have written an acrostic poem about Autumn, following an Autumn walk in the School grounds, we performed a rhyming…

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