Its all about the Dads
Sunshine class have been sharing their favourite memories and things to do with their dads, grandads, uncles and brothers. We have made special cards for Sunday and we hope you enjoy looking at them. Thank you to the dads who came into school to celebrate fathers day this week.
We have spent…
Kind Sunshiners
This week we thought it would be nice for you to hear from the children what they have been up to.
Please watch our video.
Well done to Hope for being our star this week and Lucas and Ellie who got our merit certificates this week.
Creepy crawlies
The final week of this term has been full of bugs and minibeasts. The children have been finding out facts about the creepy crawlies they have found by looking at them through magnifying glasses and observing their movements. Most children have made clay representations of bugs and painted their…
Sunny days
Another week of lovely weather has allowed us to explore our outdoors even more. We collected more minibeasts on Monday which we looked at closely under the magnifying glasses and the drew and painted our own. Mrs Parkinson is very impressed with Hannah's worm, Sapphire's butterfly, Remi's…
Hunting for bugs
This week has been shorter but jam packed full of fun and exploration.
On Tuesday morning we paired up to go hunting for bugs around the school grounds. The children were all amazing at this, finding the bugs hidey holes and favourite places. Sapphire and Ellie were superb, as were Lillie and…
Healthy week
This week we have talked all about being healthy. How do we keep our bodies healthy?
'Brush our teeth' (Justyna)
'Have a shower' Rossi
'Wash germs off our hands' (Hope)
'Drink lots of water' (Naimh)
We talked about lots of different ways to keep our body healthy and we made posters…
Aye Aye Captain
Aye Aye Captain! This week has been so much fun. We have enjoyed being pirates and finding out all about them. At the start of the week we split into our groups and came up with our own pirate names, flags and bases. We searched for treasure, and found famous pirates out in our…
Sunny sunshiners
This week we have enjoyed more time outside enjoying the sunshine and our outdoor environment. We have been learning how to play nicely with the outdoor toys, sharing with our friends, and not mixing the materials up. Niamh and Hannah painted some beautiful spring pictures on the outdoor easel,…
Spring is in the air
This week we have celebrated the start of the Spring season by finding out all about Spring time and how the environment changes.
The Pear group wrote a lovely poem:
Beautiful yellow daffodils (Lillie)
Jumping green frogs (Kyra)
Baby chicks hatching (Hope)
Tadpoles in the pond…
The day the crayons quit
On Monday we discussed what we had done over the weekend, the children then went to draw a picture of something they had done over the weekend. When the children went to colour their picture they realised all our colours had gone missing. We then read the story of the day the crayons quit.The…
Clever little puppies
What an exciting week we have had in Sunshine class with our different celebrations. Pancake Day on Tuesday proved a flipping good time, and we are happy to report that every child tried their pancakes. Our world book day Dalmatian spectacular was fabulous. Everybody looked amazing in their…
What a busy first week back
Unfortunately this week Mrs Parkinson has been off sick. The children have kept in contact with her by writing letters to her in our key groups. On Monday Mrs Parkinson sent each group a game to play and a letter asking us all about our half term, the children wrote back telling her something they…