A glorious week

A glorious week

  1. We have started to look at multiplying in Maths. This week we have focused on our 2 and 5 times tables, counting on in multiples of 2 and 5 and then solving multiplication questions.
  2. We explored how different types of weather can affect us in Geography.
  3. In Science we…
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What a busy week!

What a busy week..


On Monday we used 2D shapes to make shape pictures, ordered the story of The Gingerbread Man and learnt a new phonics sound.

“We painted the characters from The Gingerbread man, I painted the little girl.” Mia


On Tuesday we celebrated World book day as a…

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Busy Rainbow

Highlights from a busy week

1. World Book Day - we dressed as wizards and witches. 

2. We read Room on the Broom and answered retrieval questions. 

3. We have been learning about money in Mathematics. 

4. We learnt about Florence Nightingale in History. 

5. We have been making wool…

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This week in Bronze class we have been learning about what life is like living in different countries in our new book 'Let's go to...'

So far we have learnt about what life is like living in Paris, as well as practising our French and learning the colours and greetings during Monday's French…

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Our Top Moments

This week the children have enjoyed learning about a lot of new things, here are a few things we have particularly enjoyed:

  • ‘I have enjoyed converting between kilometres and metres.’ Elle
  • ‘I enjoyed starting to learn about animals and their habitats in Science.’ Bree-Anna
  • ‘We loved World…
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Magical Moonbeamers

Image of Magical Moonbeamers

Magical Moonbeamers

On Tuesday we celebrated World Book Day. We were dressed up as witches and wizards as our class and key stage theme was centred on ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. We turned invisible as we went on a stick hunt to then make our own magical wands, we wrote a spooky…

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The Jabberwocky

Image of The Jabberwocky

Welcome back after what I hope was a fantastic half term for all of you. Below are our top 4 moments from our first week of Spring Term 2.


  1. We began our new English topic of The Jabberwocky. The Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll. This week we read through the poem…
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Welcome Back

We have had a great first week back after half term and enjoyed some new learning in Mathematics and English. We have been reading the BFG in English and designing our own giants. In Mathematics, we have been learning how to use the short and long methods for division. In RE, we have been looking…

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Rainbow Poets

Highlights of our week


1. We spoke to the Preston Fire Service, who showed us how to drop and roll. 


2. We listened to and wrote our own poetry. 


3. We have learnt how to round numbers to the nearest multiple of 10.


4. We have been learning about significant nurses…

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Run, Run as fast as you can....

Run, run as fast as you can…


What a great first week back after the half term break. We hope you all had a lovely rest and are super excited for a busy term.


This week we have been focussing on the Story the Gingerbread man. We have had a brilliant week.


  • Reading the…
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Word Detectives!

Welcome back!

We can’t believe we are half way through the year already.

At the beginning of our week we continued to be word detectives! We explored and identified different types of nouns and then used the prefix ‘un’ at the beginning of words and researched their new meanings.


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Well-being Diamonds

We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week. We have been looking at well-being and how we can make each other smile. We have carried on learning all about the Great Plague in history. Have been learning how to translate shapes in Mathematics and all about tessellation in computing.


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