Time, Time, Time

This week we have had a really focus on learning the time. The children have been looking at how to fluently tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks as well as converting between the two. All of the children have worked extremely hard on this and have impressed both me and Mrs Miller…

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Classification…with a twist

Image of Classification…with a twist

This week began with Monday afternoon of Science where we began to learn about Classification diagrams. We learnt what these were (one or two of us remembered from Year 4!) and then had a go at creating our own classification diagrams – firstly with fake ‘flanimal’ creatures and then with…

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Week 6 in Diamond class

In maths we have been doing division using the bus stop method.

In English we have finished reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. We also have made a power point all about Michael Morpurgo.

In PE we have been doing gymnastics and races.

In RE we’ve been learning about Moses.

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Rainbow Monster

Week 6 - What a busy week!

1. We have read the book 'Operation Night Monster' and shared predictions and opinions.

2. We have learnt about place value of 2-digit numbers. 

3. We have learnt about why we need medicines. 

4. We have drawn maps of our school and investigated…

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Mix a pancake

This week in English we have been reading some poems by Roger McGough and Christina Rosetti. 

The poem we looked at today was called 'Mix a Pancake'. After tasting some pancakes, we then worked in pairs to write and them perform our own versions of 'Mix a Pancake'. 

Have a look at Hope,…

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The Scarecrows Wedding - Part 2

What a creative week we have had. We have enjoyed making our own scarecrows Harry and Betty from the story; using a variety of different tools, resources and techniques.

After finding out all about weddings, we have made our own wedding cards and a delicious wedding cake. We even acted out the…

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The big green Dragon

We began our week with a visitor. The big green Dragon came to our classroom and left a glitter trail from flying through the window. He made an awful mess and ate one of our apples. We decided to ask him a few questions.

“How did you get through the window?” – Junior

“Can you change size to…

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A Fabulous Week for Silver Class

This week we have begun focusing on time during our Maths lessons and the children have really impressed me with their determination to master this. We will be continuing this into next week.

In English the children have been planning and writing their own biographies of Neil Armstrong which…

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Image of BODMAS

What another busy week we have had in Gold class.


We began the week learning about BODMAS in Mathematics. We learnt that BODMAS is the order in which you should answer calculations.







We then began…

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Rainbow Worries

Week 5 - Rainbow Class have been reading Silly Billy. 

1. In English, we have learnt about Silly Billy and his worries. 

2. PE was all about making a dance phrase. 

3. Mrs Bradley taught us about prayers and we write our own. 

4. We measured our heartrate in Science. 

5. In Art, we…

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This week Bronze class have been looking at the artist Leonardo Da Vinci and his most famous piece of art - the Mona Lisa. We learnt more about why the Mona Lisa was so revolutionary for it's time and also how it was stolen in 1911! We then sketched our own Mona Lisa and then used watercolour…

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The Scarecrows Wedding

The Scarecrows Wedding

What a super week we have had reading the story of The Scarecrows Wedding. We have enjoyed finding out about the characters and finding information in the text to describe them. We have even made up our own ending as a class. Very clever work.

“Betty and Harry have a wedding” (Matilda W)

“The cows ring their bells at the wedding” (Raphael)

“The mice finds the rings” (Ashleigh-Grace)

“The geese give feathers for the dress” (Mia)

We have all read twice to the grown ups this week, completed a group read and read stories in partners.

In Phonics we have learned p,i,n and how to put sounds together to make words. We have also learnt our new tricky word this week “the”

In Maths we have continued really understanding numbers and their values. We have continued forming and recognising numbers to 10; matching quantities to numerals.

During the afternoons we have been trying new things. We have been developing our fine motor skills and forming more established relationships.

Lots of children have been poorly this week so we hope they are all soon recovered and back at school with us.

This weeks star of the week is Ashleigh-Grace

Our merit winners are Lucian and Ruby for being superstars and following instructions.

Our kind friend award is for Tilly


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