What time is it Mr Wolf?

This week we have been working our socks off! I am so proud of everyone in Moonbeam Class and we have had an amazing week.

In Mathematics we have learnt how to tell and show the time for the hour (o’clock) ad half past the hour using analogue clocks. We have used real clocks in our environment…

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Fossilisation Fun

Image of Fossilisation Fun
  1. This week we built on our learning from the past two weeks in Science and had a go at creating our own fossils using clay, shells, plaster and sand amongst other materials. We have left this to dry over the weekend and plan to excavate them early next week.
  2. We began our new topic of Harry…
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Rainbow Chocolatiers

Highlights of our week

1. We became chocolate taste testers and tried dark, milk, mind, white and sugar shelled chocolate. 

2. We learnt how to make multiplication arrays. 

3. We have practised dribbling and using space in PE. 

4. We have experimented on everyday materials.

5. We…

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Fantastic Footballers

This week we have decided our top five moments of the week have been:

  • Science – we have looked at muffling and blocking sounds. This week we talked about how sound travels into our ear through different mediums.
  • Mathematics – we have learnt about telling the time on an analogue and…
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The mystery of Ottoline and the Yellow Cat

Our top 5 moments in Bronze class this week are:

1) "We have been learning about skeletons and muscles." - Justyna

2) "In English we have been reading Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. It's a mystery book." - Connor

3) "In Geography we have been learning about maps. We went on a walk to see…

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Fun in Five

We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week. 
In Mathematics, we have been looking at multiplication and division.
In English, we have been reading about the Museum of Fun – ready to create our own pages to add to the eBook.
In PE, we have been playing bench ball and thinking about the tactics…

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Crunching, Sliding and Gliding through Winter

Image of Crunching, Sliding and Gliding through Winter

Crunching, Sliding and Gliding through winter


This week we have found out all about Winter

Here is our Winter Blog poem of all the things we have done


Watercolour painting winter pictures

Ice skating – twirling, spinning, sliding

New sounds in Phonics – w, y, z

Time to…

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A Wintery Week

A Wintery Week

This week we have been finding out all about Winter. We have particularly enjoyed learning about hibernation and that some animals go to sleep for a very long time when it is colder during the Winter months. We have also discussed migration and that the birds fly away to warmer…

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Thank Goodness

Image of Thank Goodness
  1. This week we continued our short story topic in English and created our own short stories based on the story ‘Thank Goodness’ written by Michael Rosen. We then shared these stories with the class, either through reading them out or through acting the story out in groups.
  2. In Mathematics we…
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Marvellous measurers

Highlights of our week:

  1. We have been measuring using standard units of measurement and we have all been practising measuring using a ruler and cm.
  2. We have learnt new ways of writing ‘igh’ in Phonics. (ie and i-e)
  3. We learnt about high and low pitches of sound in Music.
  4. We talked about…
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It's a mystery!

This week in Bronze class we have been very busy! 

In English we have been reading our new book - Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. This half term our focus is on mystery stories, and by the end of the unit we will have written our own mystery story. The children have been introduced to the main…

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Rocking Raps

This week, we have been working exceptionally hard in Diamond Class. We have performed our raps in English and we have used instruments to find a steady beat.  These were amazing and we had so much fun showing our friends how talented we are.

In Mathematics, we have been looking at column…

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