Shining Silver

This week we have six top moments (we couldn’t narrow it down to five there were just too many!).

They are:

  1. We have worked on our column subtraction and have ALL been able to exchange numbers of different sizes including decimal numbers!
  2. We have been planning and writing our own short…
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Rainbow Subtractors

Spring Term 1 Week 2 

Highlights -

1. In Mathematics, we have been learning a new subtraction method. 

2. We have been planning and writing our own fairy tales. 

3. We found China on maps and in the atlas. 

4. We have been learning how to work as a team in PE. 

5. We have…

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A fresh start

Happy new year from all of us in Sunshine class. We have really enjoyed all being back together and have spent some quality time together this week.

At the start of the week we caught up on what was special for us all whilst we were off school and then decided what our new year’s resolutions…

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Welcome Back Year 5

Happy New Year!!


We are thrilled to be back together after a wonderful Christmas break. What fun we all had too!

This week we have been discussing our holidays and the exciting things we got up to and the wonderful memories we made. 

In Mathematics, we have been looking at negative…

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Fantastic four

Happy New Year! Our first four days back in Moonbeam Class have been fantastic and Mrs Dorota and I have really enjoyed hearing all about the children’s stories from their time off.

This week we have started our new fairy tale term in English. We have discussed which fairy tales are our…

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Happy New Year

Image of Happy New Year

A massive Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you all had a fantastic half term and have come back refreshed for Spring TERM.


Here are the highlights of our first week back:

  1. We began our new Science topic about Evolution and Inheritance. We analysed a range of fossils and…
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Rainbow Tales

Welcome back to Week 1 of Spring Term 1. 

Our top five moments of the week! 

1. We have read fairy tales, understood the features and answered key questions. 

2. We have learnt about place value in Mathematics, ordering, partitioning and comparing 2-digit numbers. 

3. We have started…

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Back to School

This week we have all written our blog together as we have had such an amazing first week back to school!

Our top moments this week have been:

  1. Learning how to dribble with and without obstacles in our PE lessons – we have enjoyed playing some really fun team games.
  2. In Mathematics we…
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The most wonderful time of year

Image of The most wonderful time of year

Over the last two weeks, we have:

  • Performed the Nativity to our adults twice and we were AMAZING!
  • Had Christmas dinner with Key Stage One in the hall.
  • Partied the day away with our friends in the infants on Christmas party day.
  • Completed a Christmas quiz.
  • Been to watch a pantomime…
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Fantastic Five

Image of Fantastic Five

What fun we have had this week in Year 5. On Tuesday, we all went to the Panto to watch Snow White and had such a fabulous day. ‘Oh no you didn’t! Oh yes we did!

In English, we have been writing story endings for The Little Match Girl, which we had to plan and edit.

In Mathematics, we have…

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Elvis is in the building

Elvis the Elf has returned to Moonbeam Class and causing all sorts of mischief whilst making sure we are trying our best in class and get ready for Christmas.

Also this week in Moonbeam Class:

  • We have begun rehearsals for our Nativity.
  • The children have enjoyed the new Christmas…
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Fun In Five

In Year 5 this week, we have been looking at area in Mathematics and reading a new text in English called The Little Match Girl. We have continued to design our advent calendars in DT and looked at air resistance in science. 


The Star of the Week goes to Dylan 

Merit goes to Oliver and…

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