The most wonderful time of year
Over the last two weeks, we have:
- Performed the Nativity to our adults twice and we were AMAZING!
- Had Christmas dinner with Key Stage One in the hall.
- Partied the day away with our friends in the infants on Christmas party day.
- Completed a Christmas quiz.
- Been to watch a pantomime…
Fantastic Five
What fun we have had this week in Year 5. On Tuesday, we all went to the Panto to watch Snow White and had such a fabulous day. ‘Oh no you didn’t! Oh yes we did!’
In English, we have been writing story endings for The Little Match Girl, which we had to plan and edit.
In Mathematics, we have…
Elvis is in the building
Elvis the Elf has returned to Moonbeam Class and causing all sorts of mischief whilst making sure we are trying our best in class and get ready for Christmas.
Also this week in Moonbeam Class:
- We have begun rehearsals for our Nativity.
- The children have enjoyed the new Christmas…
Fun In Five
In Year 5 this week, we have been looking at area in Mathematics and reading a new text in English called The Little Match Girl. We have continued to design our advent calendars in DT and looked at air resistance in science.
The Star of the Week goes to Dylan
Merit goes to Oliver and…
Was Tutankhamun killed?
This week in Bronze Class we have started to plan and write our own explanation text based on our History and English topic this half term - Ancient Egypt!
We are answering the key question 'Was Tutankhamun Killed?' and after examining the evidence available, we are ready to write our own…
Rainbow Nativity
Highlights of our week
1. We have started rehearsals for our nativity - the Sleepy Shepherd.
2. We have been learning about different types of sentences in English.
3. In Science we learnt about fish and amphibians.
4. We have been understanding addition with regrouping.
This week we have been learning all about the book ‘Stickman’. The children have been thinking about their own families and it has been lovely hearing about all the different families we have in Pool House. We learned how to draw stickman families and the children drew some beautiful…
A Sheltered Life
This week our main focus has been on creating our Anderson Shelters. For the last few weeks we have carried out research into how and why Anderson shelters were made and used during World War Two and then we designed our own. This week we worked together in pairs and groups to create our shelters.…
Our week in Moonbeam Class
Our week in Moonbeam Class:
- We researched Christmas decorations in D.T with Mrs Dorota.
- In Mathematics, we compared number using <, > and =.
- We went on an autumn walk and wrote our own diaries in English.
- With Key Stage One we have practised our nativity songs.
- We learnt about…
Rainbow Reporters
Highlights of our week
1. We planned and wrote our non-chronological reports about orang-utans.
2. Mr Speakman taught us how to add combinations of coins to make an amount.
3. We listened and sang some of our nativity songs.
4. In Science, we learnt about animal off springs.
5. We…
Super Silver
This week we have chosen to write the blog all together as a class, we want to tell you all about what we have done and enjoyed in school this week...
1. Maths - we have been enjoying learning about column addition and subtraction. Especially carrying and exchanging numbers.
2. English - we…
Supertato – Part 2
‘Supertato – Part 2
Another amazing week in sunshine class trying to capture the ‘Evil Pea’. We started our week trying to think of ways to capture the ‘Evil Pea’ and the children thought of a very cunning plan. They all decided that the best way to catch him would be to trap him in some yummy…