A Busy Final Week

Image of A Busy Final Week

We have had a fantastic final week of Spring Term 1 in Gold Class. As always it has been a very busy week, which has rounded off a busy half term. However, whilst being busy, we have also learnt lots and had lots of fun.


  1. On Monday we created our own Mayan Xocolatl, which is the Mayan…
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Well-being Week

Image of Well-being Week

What a busy final week we have had of this half term! 

The children have worked very hard in all our subjects this week but here are just a few of the things we have been doing.

1) Ross McWilliam came to visit us on Thursday as part of well-being week. The children have discussed what…

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Moonbeam family

Image of Moonbeam family

This week has been all about our well-being.

  1. An assembly from Ross, talking about how to look after ourselves and celebrating one another.
  2. We made hearts filled with compliments and positive things about our friends and teachers in Moonbeam Class.
  3. The children renamed our class…
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Well-being Rainbows

It has been a celebration of well-being this week. 

Highlights of the week - 

1. Made a 'Jar of Hearts' with special messages on. 

2. We made other people in school happy. 

3. Listened to and sang "Sweet Caroline" and "Thank You For Being a Friend"

4. We experienced a group guided…

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Abstract Collage

Image of Abstract Collage
  1. We spent the week learning about Harry Potter in English. We read the early chapters of ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’ up to when Hagrid gives Harry his letter of invitation to Hogwarts. We then placed ourselves in Harry’s shoes and created our own letter of response to Dumbledore – either accepting…
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Rainbow CNY

Highlights of our week


1. We learnt all about the traditions of Chinese New Year.


2. We created a Chinese New Year dance celebrating the dragon. 


3. We created a gold and red dragon. 


4. We have created red letters of positivity. 


5. We ended our week with a…

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中国新年 - Chinese New Year

Today we have celebrated Chinese New Year with Sunshine and Rainbow Class. We have celebrated with a banquet, dragon dances and a parade around School displaying all of our wonderful decorations.


Highlights or our week

  1. We have been inspired Samuel Pepys’ diary about the Great Fire of…
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weather forecasters

This week we have been working hard to learn more about the weather and where in the UK would have which weather. We have been really clever finding out that low temperatures mean it is cold and high temperatures mean it is hot. We even enjoyed dressing up to read out our weather reports and some…

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Rainbow Natural Artists

Another week of amazing adventures...

1. We have been making modern art sculptures based on natural artists. 

2. We have been catching and throwing in PE.

3. We have explored more about chocolate, written super sentences and read to retrieve. 

4. We have learnt about fractions of…

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Traditional tales and missing numbers

Our blog this week is by all of Moonbeam Class.

  • In English we have made our own storyboards to retell the story of the Three Little Pigs. We have also written labels and captions for different characters.
  • We have looked at the seasonal changes of spring and summer in Science.
  • We have…
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Bronze class guest blogger - Lucas Halsall

This weeks blog is brought to you by Lucas Halsall!

This week we have been planning a new story called 'Ottoline and the Feasting Fox.' 

In English this morning we tried some foods from a bakery and we wrote a description of a bakery. 

At lunch time we played with our new toys from Mrs…

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Graffiti Art in 5

We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week. We have been learning all about Banksy, and creating our own tag and graffiti name in art.

We have been looking at different units of measure in Mathematics and writing our own adverts in English.


Friend Award - Oliver 

Merit Award -…

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