Welcome Back Diamond Class

In Mathematics, we have been looking at our mental maths skills and code breakers.

In English, we been writing about our half term and reading our new class book - The Ice Monster.

In Art, we have been making Diya lamps to celebrate Diwali and Bonfire art with oil pastels.

Good Friend…

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Short but sweet

Image of Short but sweet

It's been a short but sweet week in Bronze class this week but we have certainly fit a lot of fun and learning in! 

On Wednesday we learnt all about the celebration of Diwali and enjoyed lots of fun activities including designing our own mendhi henna patterns, creating rangoli patterns,…

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Three delightful days


Three delightful days in Moonbeam Class:


We have made Diwali cards in the hall with Jazz - Virtue

We learnt Diwali dances – Junior

We talked about being safe around a bonfire – Hunter

We have painted Diwali cards – Essie

We made Rangoli patterns – Kevin

We made a Diwali…

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Back to School for Silver Class

This weeks top 5 moments have been:

1. PE - we have absolutely loved doing dance to the songs from The Greatest Showman. There are some pictures in our gallery that you can view. We are building up to make a performance to film and show. 

2. Maths - we have begun our new topic all about…

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We're Back!

Image of We're Back!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful half term and done lots of fun things, but also had chance to relax after a really busy first half term.

Here is a top 4 of things we have done in our first few days back.

  1. We have started our Gymnastics unit in PE. This week we practised and performed…
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First half term...completed!

We have had a wonderful first half term in Moonbeam Class and we have loved every part of being together.

During our final week we have enjoyed:

  • Using a number line to add two numbers together.
  • Exploring similarities and differences between animals.
  • Placing toys from the past and…
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And Whoosh they were gone…

And Whoosh they were gone….

This week’s story was Room on the Broom and we have thoroughly enjoyed reading it, watching it and discussing our favourite parts. We have performed the story with musical instruments for each character.

We have enjoyed finding out all about pumpkins and have had…

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What been our best times this half-term?

  1. We have really enjoyed our Art topic looking at Van-Gogh. We have made a class image of ‘Starry Night’, sketched in 3D Van-Gogh’s famous chair and used to collage to recreate his ‘Iris’ painting.
  2. In our poetry topic we have learnt lots of different things and really enjoyed writing our own…
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A Productive Final Week

Image of A Productive Final Week

In English this week we concluded our Iron Man topic by writing our Interview Transcripts. In these we tried to change the formality between our characters by using formal and informal language, by carefully selecting appropriate punctuation and by switching between expanded and contracted form.…

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Mental Maths Madness

This week we have really focused on mental maths skills during our mathematics lessons. We have concentrated on ensuring that we are able to answer addition and subtraction questions mentally and not just rely on column addition and subtraction. We have been learning how to use counting up and…

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What time is it?!

Here are our top 5 moments of a very busy and quick week! 

"We have been learning about tsunamis in Geography. A tsunami is a giant wave." - Oliver

"In Science we have been testing which things were reflective." - Sapphire

"In PE we have been doing gymnastics. We got the apparatus out and…

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Matchstalk Men

Image of Matchstalk Men

We have completed our Lowry portraits and these are now being proudly displayed outside the Year 6 classroom. Instead of drawing further portraits we studied Lowry’s Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs and then created our own sculpture based on his work.


In Science, we built upon…

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