Map Your Mind

We’re back again for the final half-term of the school year and it looked for a while like someone had stolen Summer! Never to be defeated, we had a fantastic time at Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday and the rain managed to stay away for most of the day. The children were amazing and asked some great…

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Sunny Side Up

What a fantastic week it has been in Diamond Class, the sun has been shining and the work has been absolutely fantastic. We spent some of our afternoons on the field with Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6, we practised for Sports Day, played cricket and played rounders. Ben challenged the teachers to a…

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Clear skys ahead.

If time flies any faster, we are going to start time travelling…

That’s it, end of another term again. The weathers been brilliant and the children have been fantastic once again this term. Each week more and more children join in with the lunch time sports, we now have 3 separate games going…

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Glorious Sunshine!!!

Image of Glorious Sunshine!!!

Well doesn't the sunshine just put you in a fabulous mood! After a very hard working half term, Rainbow class have been enjoying the sunshine and relaxing a little!

"This week in English we have been putting words together (contracted words)" - Emily J

We have also been looking at spelling…

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The sun has got its hat on

In English we have read the magic bed story then the children made their own fantasy stories up.

Maths this week has been all about adding 3 small numbers together and spotting pairs to ten and doubles.

In science we have looked at the properties of everyday materials.

During our Art…

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Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

Wow... its been hot this week. 

In Sunshine Class we have been learning about fish.

We set up an investigation station where we had to find out, why fish are different from us?

We found out......

"Because fish have scales and humans have skin." (Kaidon)

"Because humans have legs and…

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Busy Bees Bring Bikeability Brilliance

Another busy week here in Gold class. We began with Bikeability- a series of skills base learning to enable our children to be safe on their bikes. Over two days the children learnt about basic bike maintainance, u-turns, crossing roads, the dangers of turning left and right across roads and a…

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Time flies when you're having fun.

Well, who can believe that another half term has gone by already? It’s been a good week this week, working with a number of children on their spelling, reading, phonics and memory skills.  


The stars of the show this week, were Callie (year 2)-who did amazingly in recalling the reading…

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A week of hard work!

Apologies for a delayed blog post but after such a busy week last week Rainbow class were too busy celebrating the end of SATs on Friday!


I have to start by saying a huge WELL DONE to everyone in Rainbow class. All our hard work and determination this year has shown last week as the…

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Can't help but have fun.

What is going on??? One minute its Monday morning the next it’s the end of the week. it is true what they say 'time flies when you’re having fun'.

 Well Monday started out bright but just as the games got started Mother Nature stepped in to spoil our fun and rained us out, boooo.

Tuesday was…

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Interviews in Silver Class

This week in History, silver class have been continuing to study the Indus Valley with Miss Merraoui. One of the focuses was on the type of jobs which they would carry out if they lived in the Indus Valley over 4000 years ago. The children created their own job adverts.

Keelie was looking for a…

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Ice-creams all round

In English this week we have been looking at instructions. We have made strawberry ice-cream together as a class then each group decided which flavour ice-cream they would like to make. On Friday afternoon Gold class came down to try our ice-cream and decided which flavour was their best. The…

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