And breath.....

Well this week was so much fun, the sun has been shining and everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves!

We started the week off with a game of tag rugby in the juniors with most of the year 6's taking part. The game ending with Monaè's team winning 6-4 over Jasmin's team. The rest of the…

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The heat is on

The heat was turned up this week in silver class. Temperatures of 25 degrees inside class were seen on the thermometers in class and 27 degrees outside the class room. In class a busy week was had by all. We all enjoyed the bank holiday on Monday and look forward to the next one at the end of…

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A short week but still lots of work done

In English this week we have been writing Poems. Describing what we would be like if we were an animal.

          If I were a zebra

          I would race and ride

         But for now Im happy to be me. (Arham)

In maths we have been looking at patterns in numbers and talking about…

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The Week Before...

This week we have been preparing for our SATs, we have done a SPAG test and we have been working on our weakest area in Mathematics, in order to build our confidence! We have been creating our own project booklets based on a topic of our choosing. We have watched some nature programmes and have…

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"Hey Diddle Diddle"

Another week comes to an end! These four day weeks soon fly by! We have explored the myth of King Midas this week, sequencing the events in the myth in the form of a drama. We certainly made the most of the good weather as we performed our work on the outside stage. At the end of the week we wrote…

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A short blog for a short week!

Another short week at school but we have still been very busy in Sunshine Class. We have been learning about Wales and Ireland. We have also been reading the book called the Scarecrows wedding. This was from a childs interest. We are going to be having a Scarecrow wedding today and making our own…

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Boom Chicka Boom!

This week in singing assembly we learnt a new song called Jubilate Everybody and we enjoyed changing the tempo to this hymn, especially

going faster! We also practised Sorida again and we all did the actions with a partner.

Our new hymn My Lighthouse is also coming along nicely and we only…

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Let us shine!

A busy, busy week once least we have had lots of sunshine to keep us going.


Liam, Sky, Zana and Tyler have all worked tremendously hard this week in preparation for their SATs next week. We have been looking at fractions, decimals and percentages; so any questions, fire them at…

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Blink and you will miss it.

Wait.... what? The weeks gone already?

It's been a bit hit and miss this week for sports in both juniors and infants.

In the juniors football and tag rugby took centre stage this week. With year 6 doing SATS practice I think the fresh air and running around was just what they needed. With…

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Don't mock the Gods!

This week in English we have continued our topic about Greek Myths. Earlier in the week we planned a diary entry from the perspective of Daedalus (from the myth of Daedalus and Icarus) and we wrote this up for our Big Write. We also read the myth of Arachne the Spinner and compared and contrasted…

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End of another week

I cannot believe how quick the weeks are going. We have already had 2 weeks in our last term of the school year. In PE we have started some work on aspects of athletics. This week we have focused upon running. We have looked at how to run better and to put this into practice. In maths with Miss…

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Pussy cat, pussy cat. Where have you been? I have been to London to see the Queen!

Image of Pussy cat, pussy cat. Where have you been? I have been to London to see the Queen!

This week in Sunshine class we have been learning all about England. 

We have been focussing on London. 

"London is the capital of England" (Ellie)

We have been learning about different landmarks in London. We went on a tour around London with Barnaby Bear. 

We found out all about the…

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