Bring on the games...

Well that was a quick two week holiday...

As this first week back was a short one, we had a nice relaxed atmosphere around the two yards.

Juniors spent the week playing Tag Rugby and American Football this week, however, wanted to keep things free and easy so the scores didn't really matter…

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End of a quick week!

First week back

The end of our first week back after Easter sees the sun coming out so hopefully we will have a good weekend. We have been working hard this week on division in mathematics. Some of us found this very hard to do. The week seems to have gone by very fast. The children took home a…

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On your marks, get set, GO!!!

We've just got back from our PE lesson where we have been polishing up on our athletic skills. We're VERY tired now!

"We jumped over some hurdles." - Emily J

"We've been running to the end of the field but I came last. That doesn't matter it's the taking part!" - Layla

"Miss Ellison won…

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Blogs, Blogs, Blogs

It has only been 4 days but it feels like we have been back for ages! We now have Mr Blackburn teaching us all the time again (boo!) In English we started our new Topic about Greek Myths. They had complicated names in those times! Icarus, Daedalus, Epimetheus, Prometheus, Pandora and more! On…

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Square Sausage..... Whats that?

Welcome back.. 


We hope you all had a lovely two weeks holiday from school and had lots of Easter Fun.


We are starting a new topic in Sunshine class this half term. We are going to be learning about different countries around the world.

Mrs Bradley chose the first country we…

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It's been a 'well' good week

Image of It's been a 'well' good week

In English this week we have been looking at poetry. Reading poems about how we change when we grow up. 

In Maths we have been counting on using 100 squares and number lines.

In Science we having been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees. We went for a walk around school and the…

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Back to Business

Our first week back started on a Tuesday this time, Easter egg rolling being the main event on Monday. 

As we settled back into the routines for the summer term, we spent some time focusing on what our aims were going to be over the next 4 weeks. We all know we have our SAT tests to do but we…

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Let the challenge begin!

Mrs Hanigan’s Blog – 19.4.17.

Here we are back again, after a lovely couple of weeks off school. All too soon, it is that time of the year and the year six children have their SATs tests coming up. As a result of this, I am working mainly with some of the children from Gold class at the moment…

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This week in singing assembly we learnt a new warm up song called Sorida. We all practised the actions and Mr Herd, Ruby and Lexi
demonstrated for us excellently at the front. We also learnt part of a new song My Lighthouse which is an upbeat song. I am pleased with
how well our singing is…
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Spring II 2017 Curriculum - Compasses

Image of Spring II 2017 Curriculum - Compasses

This half term, the children worked on compasses. We started off by thinking about what compasses were and why they were used. We looked at some different compasses and then found out about the history of compasses and how they have developed since they were first invented by the Chinese, a very…

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Over and out (for now)...

So ends another term, with a fun filled week to end this term off. everyone had a great time.


The juniors spent the week playing football at lunch times (well the dry ones). It was nice and friendly all week with the scores not really being kept. Everyone had a great time and really…

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Have an eggtastic holiday

This week we have had lots of Easter fun.

On Tuesday some of us has breakfast with the Easter bunny at the community centre. Then during the school day we took part in different easter activities. We made chicks hatching, chocolate cakes, decorated biscuits and took part in a egg hunt. In the…

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