Spring II 2017 Curriculum - Compasses
This half term, the children worked on compasses. We started off by thinking about what compasses were and why they were used. We looked at some different compasses and then found out about the history of compasses and how they have developed since they were first invented by the Chinese, a very…
Over and out (for now)...
So ends another term, with a fun filled week to end this term off. everyone had a great time.
The juniors spent the week playing football at lunch times (well the dry ones). It was nice and friendly all week with the scores not really being kept. Everyone had a great time and really…
Have an eggtastic holiday
This week we have had lots of Easter fun.
On Tuesday some of us has breakfast with the Easter bunny at the community centre. Then during the school day we took part in different easter activities. We made chicks hatching, chocolate cakes, decorated biscuits and took part in a egg hunt. In the…
What a busy week!!!!
Well this week has been really busy..... we haven't stopped in Sunshine Class
On Monday we talked about all the things we had learnt about this half term about Space. We have really enjoyed this topic.
" I have learnt that it is bumpy on the moon" (Ellie)
"It takes 3 days for a…
Easter is almost here!
This week in Rainbow class we have had an Easter themed day, breakfast with the Easter bunny, a talent show AND Wellybobs farm came to visit.
In English we have been writing our own poems about spring.
"I enjoyed writing the poem because I used a simile." - Layla.
"I liked writing…
Oozing Sportsmanship.
These weeks keep coming thick and fast its almost imposible to keep up.
This week saw the juniors play 2 games of football and 2 games of tag rugby (Wednesday was called off due to the rain). The week started and ended with football with Harrison scoring the only goals (2) on Monday to lead his…
Oranges and Red Noses
This week we finished our English topic about ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’ and wrote our own stories from the perspective of Samar. We then began looking at narrative poems which tell a story. We read ‘St Thomas by the Water’ and used improvisation to perform the poem which we really enjoyed doing! …
End of the week with red noses
We have come to the end of another busy week. The week began with all the children paining a pot with Jane from ‘Fire 4 U’. Jane then took the pots back to her studio to be glazed, dried and then fired in one of her kilns. Jane has emailed me to say that the pots have gone into her kiln called…
One Direction...
It's been another very busy week for Mrs Hanigan's groups. We made our home-made magnetic compasses this week (and one day, very soon, Mrs Hanigan will get the hang of modern technology and will up load the photos!) We followed our designs carefully and then tested their accuracy against the…
Red Nose Day!
This week we are celebrating Red Nose Day by raising money!
Mrs Ridings has been teaching us about poetic language and imagery in English.
"Imagery is a picture that is created in your head when you read a poem." - Emily J
"April Rain was my favourite poem." - Emma
"I liked both…
Another mega busy week in Gold Class!!
We started the week with a SPLASH in Gold Class! We went swimming, which is always a great start to our week! This was our last trip to the leisure centre but it was also the best by far!! The swimming instructors allowed us to get the floats out and have a fun swim. It was BRILLIANT!!!