This week in Sunshine Class!

This week in Sunshine Class has been a very crafty one! We have been busy making lots of different things. Which I am sure you will love!

We have been learning about Planets this week and have made two amazing books about Mars and Saturn. 

Do you know how many moons Saturn has?

What is…

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Moonbeam bake off

In English we have been looking at instructions. The children wrote instructions on how to wash their hands and how to make a cake. 

In maths we have been looking at time. Learning about o'clock and half past.

Today is Red Nose Day we had an assembly this morning to look at what Red Nose Day…

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Science week in Silver class

Science week has come to an end in Silver class. We have been investigating forces in action. Our task was to design and build a parachute or some other design to support an egg dropped from the top of a set of ladders. At the start of the week we looked at how parachutes work. We then split into…

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Lets All Get Involved...

What a busy week its been this week, with science week in full swing there was still time to enjoy some fun sports. This week was the start of the Infants joining in the sports fun as well as the Juniors. With Mrs Miller taking the helm with the junior sports games I (Mr Price) helped get the…

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An Egg-celent Science Week

This week has been a very special week in school as it has been science week. Scientific activities have been happening all across school. In the juniors we decided to have a competition where ecah class had to create a parachute that would protect an egg and not crack it, when dropped from the…

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Bob, Sid, Kevin..... who else has been in Sunshine Class?

Image of Bob, Sid, Kevin..... who else has been in Sunshine Class?

Well..... what a week in Sunshine Class!

Our focus this week has been the book, Aliens Love Underpants. 

We have had lots of fun designing and making our own aliens. We made aliens using lots of different techniques.

" We used pencils to draw aliens." (Nevaeh)

"We used a hard sort of…

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A Scientific Week

Image of A Scientific Week

In English this week we have been word detectives. We have been investigating suffixes, prefixes, syllables, and plurals.

“My name has 2 syllables” (Daniel)

“Unhappy, undo and unhealthy.” (Brooke)

“Pens, flowers beds and benches” (Ada)

In Mathematics this week we have been adding to 10…

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Science Week!!

Image of Science Week!!

This week has been science week!!


We have had a fabulous time being budding scientisits and learning about electricity, hygiene and germs, solids and liquids and also magnetism. 

"I loved making magnets with Mrs Keating." - Finlay

"I learned about how germs spread" - Jamaar


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Another busy week! It just so happened that our project fitted in beautifully with the scientific activities going on in Science week in school. The children have been researching the different ways that we could make our own working compasses. We have found lots of different ways and if you take…

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Hot Cross Buns

This week in singing assembly we learnt a new song called Hotarukoi which is a Japanese song. We listened to a performance of the song and identified the instruments. We also practised Chanda Mama again as this song is proving quick tricky! We sang lots of action songs and are getting really good…

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Where Has This Week Gone???

What's that? its Friday already? How did that happen? The week seems to have ended before its began. We seemed to have managed a full week of sports this week, without the interuption of the dreaded British weather.

Monday was the start of a three day American Football extravaganza, with…

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I've got a golden ticket!

Image of I've got a golden ticket!

Another week of spring term 2 has flown by! We've been doing lots of interesting things this week and continuing our topic on Chocolate. 

Our English topic on Chocolate has meant we had to taste some chocolate on Monday because who can write about chocolate without a taste test! "My favourite…

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