Welcome Back!

A huge welcome back to everyone for the new term, hope you all had a safe and fun summer. We have certainly hit the ground running this half term!

As we always do at this time of the school year, we are doing reading tests for the next couple of weeks, followed by spelling tests. The reading…

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Where did the week go?

A really quick one this week…it’s been one busy week!


The children in the Bronze and Silver group finished off their Camouflage project this week and there were some very good Mind Maps created.


There is one challenge for everyone this week…see if you can beat your family in…

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Can you see me yet?

Mrs Hanigan’s Blog – 28.6.17.


Imagine my surprise when I arrived at school on Tuesday morning to see two very large parcels with my name on, sitting waiting in my room. If you keep up to date with the Facebook page, you will know that we won a national competition about the ‘Where’s Wally’…

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Amazing Video!

It has been such an interesting week this week. We have been continuing our work on camouflage and I have learned many new things myself. The children tried to answer the questions they had thought of about camouflage and for a great number of them, this included looking at how humans use…

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Busy Bees

Image of Busy Bees

It’s been a lovely week in school and though we didn’t have our room to work in for much of the week (we shared nicely with Mrs Keating!), we managed to get lots done.


The children worked incredibly hard with their phonics, reading and memory development. This week, we developed our…

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Map Your Mind

We’re back again for the final half-term of the school year and it looked for a while like someone had stolen Summer! Never to be defeated, we had a fantastic time at Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday and the rain managed to stay away for most of the day. The children were amazing and asked some great…

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Time flies when you're having fun.

Well, who can believe that another half term has gone by already? It’s been a good week this week, working with a number of children on their spelling, reading, phonics and memory skills.  


The stars of the show this week, were Callie (year 2)-who did amazingly in recalling the reading…

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Whatever the weather, we're here for you!


Another fun-filled week-and a busy one at that! The weather couldn’t decide what to do, but luckily, Miss Ellison knew exactly what was going to happen. All of the children in Rainbow Class have worked hard in their little quizzes and it was good to work with a small number of the children in…

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Verbs...I sit...they sat...


For those of you who love the English language as much as I do and like to play with words, you will know that I am referring to the year 6 children who have done their SATs this week. I’m sure all the hard work will pay off and now they can look forward to all of the exciting…

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Let us shine!

A busy, busy week once again...at least we have had lots of sunshine to keep us going.


Liam, Sky, Zana and Tyler have all worked tremendously hard this week in preparation for their SATs next week. We have been looking at fractions, decimals and percentages; so any questions, fire them at…

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Achey Breaky Brains...

It has been another busy week in school, especially for the children in year six. They have all been working really hard all week with their SATs preparations and a particularly big: “well done”, goes to Sky and Zana, who have done lots of comprehension and SPAG work with me this week. 



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Let the challenge begin!

Mrs Hanigan’s Blog – 19.4.17.

Here we are back again, after a lovely couple of weeks off school. All too soon, it is that time of the year and the year six children have their SATs tests coming up. As a result of this, I am working mainly with some of the children from Gold class at the moment…

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