Testing times!

More reading tests this week, all of the children in the juniors have now completed their reading tests and most of Rainbow Class too. The children have all worked incredibly hard and I was particularly impressed with the way that some of the children used excellent reasoning skills to work out…

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Testing, testing, 1,2, 3...

So sorry that I’ve not ‘blogged’ for the past couple of weeks, it’s been a busy-old time. I’m back now and will try to re-cap what has been happening since we’ve been back in school. For a few weeks, I was in Rainbow Class in the mornings. In mathematics, we looked at place value; number bonds to…

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Where has the time gone?

Image of Where has the time gone?

It genuinely feels like only two minutes since it was September and all of the children were arriving in school with very clean, well-fitting uniforms. Everyone's grown that bit taller (or the uniform has shrunk!) and we are crawling towards the Summer holidays, all ready for a long break.


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Independent learning on Independence Day!

Apologies right now, but there was no blog last week…the time seemed to slip away and I just never got around to it. This week, in Moonbeam class, the children have been working really hard and independently (can you see what I did there?!) on their dinosaur project. They have done more addition…

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Another lovely couple of days in Moonbeam Class this week. We looked at some rhyming poems about dinosaurs and spotted the rhymes. After this, we wrote our own rhyming poems. Aiesha wrote a wonderful poem and was able to rhyme lots of words – well done!

We looked at a dinosaur claw (from an…

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Phonics Frenzy!

A fun-filled year one phonics frenzy has gone on this week! Indy, Bobbi-Jack, Eliza and Oscar all worked very hard on their phonics, including using pincers to find and name the phonemes in the sand; playing ‘Which Hoop?’ (in this game, they had to decide what vowel phoneme they could hear in the…

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Learning Styles and Phonics Fun!

I abandoned my blog last week, so apologies there! Here I am again, with a few messages of congratulations…firstly, to all of the children in year six who worked so hard in their SATs last week and to Mr Blackburn and his team for all of the hard work they have put in, preparing the children for…

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A super-quick blog this week…places to go, things to do, people to see!

We have looked at word-based problems in mathematics and thought about how best to answer them, focussing on the specific elements of the question that we need to. The group did well and I’m sure that Ayyun, Zara, Joey,…

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The right to write well! Or...a homophone moment for me!

Shape, symmetry, nets, area, weights, measures and a whole heap of other mathematical conundrums were our focus this week in mathematics. We managed to keep a calm head and completed lots of work.

In reading comprehension, we focussed on three mark questions, looking at inference and deduction.…

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Fraction Action

Once again, there has been some great work produced by the year six children who come out with me this week. In mathematics, they looked at converting fractions into decimals, to decide which was largest. They also did some multi-stage problems, involving fractions, decimals and percentages. A…

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Sun and Sums...

We got right back into the swing of things this week, with the year six children who come out with me. We have worked on fractions, decimals and percentages in mathematics, including looking at equivalence and word-based, multiple-stage problem solving. They have also completed work on adding,…

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United we stand...divided we fall! That's a joke!

I’m not entirely sure where the time is going, but we are suddenly at the end of the Spring term, with just a hint of Spring weather to go with it! What have the year six children been doing who have come out to me this week? In mathematics, we went over some of the long-multiplication questions…

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