A week full of lightbulb moments
I am proud as punch of Moonbeam Class this week. I can’t believe how fantastic and grown up they have been with their learning this week.
We have looked at ordering random numbers from smallest to largest and then largest to smallest, as well as using greater and less than signs to…
A Week In Quotes
“On Monday I enjoyed our PSHCE lesson about secrets. I enjoyed reading the scenario cards we were given and discussing whether it was a secret we would keep or a secret that we should not agree to keep.” – Alice Dalmeida
“On Tuesday I enjoyed writing my recipe for my own curry with Mrs…
Fruity Friday
Today we have been creating our own cocktails as part of our mathematics lesson on capacity.
The children had to follow the recipe and accurately measure the ingredients in ml.
"1000ml = 1 litre" - Indy
"I made a cocktail with lemonade, orange juice and apple juice." - Emily
We also…
Top 10 moments this week
Sunshines top ten moments of this week...
1. We have read (and watched) the hungry caterpillar.
2. We have made our own food diaries for the week.
3. We all know which foods are healthy and which are not!
4. We have started our Nativity.
5. We have read at least 3 times in…
Stop, look, listen and think!
This week has been our Safer Travel week, where we have been thinking about how to cross the roads safely, holding hands with our grown-ups and playing in safe places away from cars. The children (and staff) have been amazing. All children should now remind you to hold their hands when walking to…
Kings and Queens of the road
This week we have had our Safer Travel Week in Key Stage 1, where all the children have completed their road safety tasks and learnt how to cross the road safely. In our class, we worked really hard to learn how we can cross safely with an adult and that we always need to hold onto an adult, cross…
Week 10: Safer Travel Week
Top 5 moments of this week
1. It has been a vert mixed up week in Year 2 with lots of different things to do.
2. We have been training for Safer Travel Week.
3. We have been investigating healthy lifestyles and looked at how to brush teeth.
4. We learnt more about the Poppy Appeal and…
Children in Need
Today we have been raising money for Children in Need.
"Today we dressed in yellow or wore spots." - Cassidy
"We decorated biscuits like Pudsey."- Charley
"We had a design Pudsey's new hair competition." - Bobbi
The winner of this competition was Joey.
"In science we have been…
Our new English topic is Migration. The big question for this unit is “Which animal has the toughest migration?” Throughout the week we began looking at the migration journeys of different animals and will continue this into next week.
In Science we studied the lunar cycle of the Moon. As…
Autumn walks
We have some new toys! Thanks to the generous sponsor money, we have been able to buy some new toys and resources for our classroom. We haven’t spent all of our money yet but what we have so far is fantastic and the children have really enjoyed being able to play with them on Friday afternoon. So…
The eruption
"This week in Bronze class we made a volcano (model) erupt." - Emily
"We discussed whether we would like to live near a volcano. I would like to because then I can take people to the volcano and make money as an attraction." - Nevaeh
"We have been learning about the tectonic plates." -…
Fizz, Pop, Crackle, Bang!
This week we have found out all about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. We found out that he was a very naughty man who tried to blow up the king!
Each group wrote their own firework poem by describing the fireworks in the sky and the noises they make. We used some really smart…