Sweet explosion
I think the first thing to say this week is a big well done to all of Moonbeam class and their parents for the wonderful hamper donations. I'm pleased to say we came 3rd and the children are super excited for their film afternoon. (It certainly was a sweet explosion)
In English this week the…
Another very busy week for Diamond class
Another amazing week in diamond class. We started the week with our spellings after assembly on Monday and we have not stopped since.
Wednesday saw our visit to Ashton CSC again. In the DT session this week we made our templates for our head phone organisers. These will be made out of plastic…
Junior Cluster Event November 2017 - Amazing Archaeology
Once again, our friends from Ingol Community and Holy Family joined us for a fun morning of archaeology. We thought about what archaeology is and how it is different from paleontology. We had a quick look at the different time periods we would be thinking about and about how archaeologists use…
Autumn II 2017 - Analysis Project
This half term, we have been focussing on analysis. When we analyse, we break information down into parts and explore our understanding and the relationships betweeen those parts. Analysis involves comparing, organising, deconstructing, interrogating, finding, seeing patterns, contrasts, cause and…
Analysis all the way
A busy, but fun week this week, where we have begun our new project with gusto! The groups are focussing this half term on analysis, looking at fine details and exploring our understanding. This week, we looked at poetry. The children had to look at the lines of poetry they had been given and try…
Bring on the new term
Just a short one.
Only a three-day week this week, but we certainly hit the ground running.
The upper juniors enjoyed two games of football and a game of skittles. It was fantastic to see the level of maturity on show because of the slippy, wet and very puddled playground. The upper…
This week we have continued exploring our wartime poetry in time for Armistice Day and Remembrance Day. We improved our reading skills by breaking down some war poetry that we read and answering challenging questions about it. We also practiced multiplying multi digit numbers. In RE we wrote a…
First week back in Diamond class
In diamond class this week we have been very bust even though we have only been in school for 3 days. The week started off with Mr Mearns collecting a minibus from Preston Community Transport on his way into work. At 9:30 we left school and went up to Ashton Community Science College. At 10…
short but sweet
The end of a short but settled week in Rainbow class.
We've had a lovely start to our Autumn term 2 and the children have come back to school ready and raring to learn.
This week in English we have started a new topic looking at information texts. We have been learning about Orang-utans.…
Sparkly Sunshiners
This short school week got off to an exciting bang with our fabulous firework poetry. Children enjoyed talking about their own Bonfire night experiences in the class and used their observations to write fabulous poetry. We found out all about Guy Fawkes and why we have Bonfire night every year.…
Where oh where did the little blog go?
So sorry that the blog disappeared for a couple of weeks there. I’m back now and after a lovely couple of weeks before we broke up, that included delights like the Beacon Fell trip with the infants (where we were incredibly lucky with the weather and has a beautiful day to be heading for the…
Half time/term...
It’s been a great week this week at Pool House.
We managed to enjoy lots of sports this week, with more children joining in than ever before.
In the upper juniors we had that many players that we had to spilt them into three teams. We played winner stays on and there was not one clear winner…