Feeling hot, hot, hot!!

The week in Sunshine Class started of very hot,hot hot!!

"We did bog art" (Alara)

"You get some clay and you make a face on a tree" (Dylan)

"We used sticks and flowers aswell." (Dylan)

" We used sticks and stones to make pictures and write our names"  (Kaidon)

" I made a camper van…

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Feeling Hot Hot.... Wet

Well the weather has certainly been a factor this week! With golorious sunshine for the majority of the week we have spent time working outside on the stage, which offers some beautiful shade and a much needed breeze!

Monday saw a team, made up of 6 Year Sixes and 2 Year Fives, taking part in…

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5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blastoff

Image of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blastoff

In English this week we finished looking at The man on the moon. The children wrote what happened in the story. We then started looking at Dougals deep sea diary and talked about the similarities and differences between Atlantis and Preston. Ask your children about the 2 stories we have we…

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Amazing Video!

It has been such an interesting week this week. We have been continuing our work on camouflage and I have learned many new things myself. The children tried to answer the questions they had thought of about camouflage and for a great number of them, this included looking at how humans use…

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A sailor went to sea sea sea...

A sailor went to sea sea sea…


What lovely weather this week and Bronze class made the most of it by practising singing playground songs outside. They are getting really good at working as a team even when we ended up in knots singing the big ship sails on the alley alley o! We also learnt…

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Sorry for the delay

We are really sorry for the delay in the Sunshine Class blog.

We had a super busy week and just ran out of time!

Some of the fun things we enjoyed doing this week have been....

  • Making our own aquariums 
  • Reading Billy's Bucket
  • Practising for sports day
  • Learning to count in…
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Busy Busy Busy

Well what a week! It's been so busy the children forgot to write their blog in school, good job Mrs Keating quickly asked the children at 3.10pm what they have enjoyed learning about this week before they left for the weekend!

In English the children have been reading a story about an…

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This week in Diamond class we have been learning about BODMAS in Mathematics. BODMAS will help us answer questions in the correct order.

B – Brackets. Solve any calculation inside brackets first.

O – Operations. A fancy name for squared or cubed numbers!

D – Division. Shared into. Divided…

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Week ending the 16thJune

This week in silver class we have been very busy. This is what we have been doing:-

In Geography we have been researching earthquakes. We have been understanding the impact that they have on people and the landscape.

In English we have started a new unit of work studying the Iron Man bool by…

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The weeks keep rolling by...

How is it Friday already???

Well it’s been a fast and fun week for both the infants and juniors this week, a footballing bonanza has landed at Pool House.

With help from Lee and Reo the infants have really enjoyed themselves, with around 25-30 goals scored this week. The stand out goal this…

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That time of week again!

We can't believe it is already Friday again! This last half term is flying by. 


This week we have been talking about our move up to Year 3 in Rainbow class. We have been to see our new classroom and also found out that our new teacher in September is going to be Mr Bamber! We have set up a…

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A Productive Week in Gold Class

We have been very busy this week practising for the upcoming Kwik Cricket tournament. We have some fantastic bowlers and some brilliant batters in Gold Class.

In class we have been learning how to improve our chances of getting our dream job; we have completed the first module of 'The Job…

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