Harvest is here

What a very busy day we've all had today. Children have learnt all the harvest songs ready for Friday's assembly. We have got some fantastic singers and even 2 soloists from Silver Class. It's their first time singing in front of a big audience but I'm very confident they'll be…

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This just in...

Running a bit late with this one.

Last week was such a fast week I couldn’t keep up.

The infants enjoyed football this week, with the juniors volunteering to help referee the games the infants really do seem to have a lot of fun. Lee comments every time he ref’s about how much fun he has…

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Keep Calm and Eat Cake

This week has been another busy week in Gold Class! Our mathematics topic was all about adding and subtracting fractions this week. This was something that we struggled with as a class but with a lot of hard work, laughter and tears we finally got there in the end! We also looked at BODMAS…

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What a busy week

Image of What a busy week

The end of a very busy week has arrived. The week started with our spelling test and ended with our celebration of fund raising for MacMillan Cancer support.

A very big thank you to all the parents of children in our class for attending the coffee morning and a very well done to Thomas for…

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We are getting our Blog on!

Hello there. 

What a week it has been! This week we have stopped being children and started being detectives. We have been learning about Tutankhamen and investigating his death. We need to decideif he has been murdered. There are lots of suspects and lots of motives, we have learnt about the…

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Scarecrows Wedding

This week our main focus was the book Scarecrows Wedding. The reason for choosing this book is one of the children noticed a picture of Mrs Parkinson on her wedding day in the classroom and started to ask lots of questions.

Children interpret books in lots of different ways.....

From the…

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Ready, Steady, BAKE!

This week in Rainbow class we have been very busy!

"We have been learning about 2D shapes and making our own posters about them." - Esther


In DT we have been learning about vegetables and healthy eating.

"We made a healthy salad collage." - Ada


"In computing we were playing…

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Another week, whizzing by...

The reading tests are all completed now and we are busy looking at how the children have done, then we can make sure that those who need it are challenged and those who need a little support can get it. We have started in earnest this week with the spelling tests throughout school and hope to have…

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Fun, games and sports to boot.

Another action packed week has flown by for us here at Pool House.

A special mention this week to all the juniors who do play leading at lunchtime’s. They volunteer to play with the infants at dinnertime and help them to enjoy themselves. Although this is a very pleasurable and rewarding thing…

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Well Moonbeam class have had another busy week. 

In English this week we had a visit to Moonbeam zoo and the children saw lots of crazy animals. 

"I saw some monkeys dancing!" (Aiesha)

"The snake tried to eat us but we ran away." (Conner)

The children then wrote their own recount of…

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Tutankhamen's Detectives

Blogtastic Blogging. 

We have been blogging. We have become detectives. We have been organising numbers and using extended partitioning. It has been a busy week, in a busy class. 

Star of the Week is Hayden. 

Merit Ceritificates went to Max and Evie. 

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London's burning!

This week in Rainbow Class we have been learning "all about london" - Nicole W

"There was a fire that started on Pudding Lane." - Kayden

"The fire started in 1666" - Caroline

"The fire started in Thomas Farriner's bakery." - Arham. 

We designed our own Stuart period houses like they…

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