Cake cake cake

Well that's the end of another busy week. The children have been having lots of fun in class learning about class two at the zoo. The children have loved joining in with the rhyming words and learning about all the silly things the animals do. 

"The anaconda eating the teacher was the funniest…

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Another week flown by!

I can't believe it's already the end of week one. We've had a very busy one and have been settling into the routines of being in Year 2 this week. 

In maths we have been looking at place value but getting creative with food to help us learn. The children are beginning to understand how many…

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End of week 2 in Diamond Class

Week 2 has come to an end in Diamond class. We have been working on poetry this week in our English lessons. This ended with a presented poem based upon the poem Loop the loop. In maths we have been getting better at adding and subtracting numbers in our heads or choosing the best written method…

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"Walk Like an Egyptian" by Emily J and Evie

This week we have been learning about Leonardo Da Vinci and Tutankhamen. I liked learning about the ancient Egyptian topic with Mr Bamber (the best teacher ever). I think he is the funniest teacher in the world, he does funny voices and accents and always makes us smile. 

The star of the week…

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Not enough days to fit all these sports in.

That’s the second week done and it’s been fun, fun, fun all the way.

With three different sport’s games going on around school each dinner time, it’s been a challenge to keep up with what’s going on. Luckily there are a number of junior children that want to help out with the refereeing.


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Our First full week in Sunshine Class

Sunshine Class have had a wonderful week settling into life at Pool House School. 

They have been exploring the different areas in our classroom, learning the school rules, making friends, and have began to learn our phase 2 phonics sounds.

Thank you to everyone who completed their leaf…

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Heads and Deputies

This week was our first week in year 6 back on the curriculum after last weeks beginning of year assessments. We have made a really positive start to the year and have started discussing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and what happened to Pompeii. We wrote a diary entry at the end of the week from…

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Keeping the beat

What a great day we've had today in school. Every class has had the opportunity to play instruments today.

Rainbow class tried really hard to keep the pulse of the music and to recognise which sounds were short and which were long. They also learnt a new song and Esther sung it beautifully by…

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Welcome Back!

A huge welcome back to everyone for the new term, hope you all had a safe and fun summer. We have certainly hit the ground running this half term!

As we always do at this time of the school year, we are doing reading tests for the next couple of weeks, followed by spelling tests. The reading…

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Blink and you'll miss it...

Well that was a quick summer holidays!!!

Its good to be back and everyone seems to be raring to go. We are trying a few things differently this term, with two or three different sports games be played throughout the entire school (these children certainly know how to keep me on my toes). We are…

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My Moonbeamers

Image of My Moonbeamers

Well what an amazing first week in Moonbeam, the children have all settled in really well. The children have been learning the new routine in class and exploring all the new fun toys to play with. The children have created some wonderful self-portraits. (Can you guess which is your childs!)


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First Day

Today was Sunshine Classes first day in School. They have had an excellent start to their school life and settled in really well.

They have enjoyed exploring the school and the school grounds.

They have also had lots of fun in our indoor and outdoor classroom envrionment, making new friends…

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