What a super week!

What a week! First off, Happy St David’s Day and Happy World Book Day too. The children have all had an amazing time in school today and created comic strips, acted out super hero plays, read stories with each other and also helped to solve the mystery of Mrs Bennett being kidnapped! All was well…

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Super week

We started the week finishing off our chinese celebrations by tasting different chinese foods and talking about what we had learnt about chinese new year. 

"I liked the rice best" 

"My favourite was the spring rolls"

Brodey and Elle thoroughly enjoyed their chinese banquet and cleared…

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First week back after half term

On Monday in English we were writing a diary entry, pretending to be Dr Leila and writing what happened when Ayesha came. In maths we were making pancakes and also doing other measurements. Then in the afternoon we were doing PHSE the whole afternoon. We were making healthy lifestyle…

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A Busy First Week Back

This week has been a hectic first week back! We have started a new English topic about ‘Amazing Inventions’. Firstly, we spent our time considering what an invention actually is and then listing some inventions that we all use every day! We then read about Thomas Edison and discussed his top tips…

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Welcome to Bronze Town

Hello everybody. It feels like Monday here in Bronze Class because we have worked so hard and the week has flown by. It is Friday afternoon as we write this blog, and we want to tell you all about our week.


In Mathematics, we have been learning about word problems and learnt a new way of…

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Happy New Year!!!

Image of Happy New Year!!!




Last Friday was Chinese New Year. This week in geography we have been learning about Chinese New Year and next week we will be comparing China to where we live. 

"We ate Chinese food." - Drew

"The food was fantastic. My favourite was the…

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week 1 of spring term 2

Welcome back after half term. The first week back has been so busy in Moonbeam Class.

In English this week the children have continued to learn about reports. They have written their own reports about an elephant’s trunk. The children have included headings, sub-heading, diagrams, labels,…

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Chinese New Year

This week in sunshine class it is all about Chinese new year. We have been looking at their traditions. We have done lots of activities such as making Chinese flags, money envelopes, paper chains and Chinese dragon masks. This afternoon we are having a Chinese New Year party. The children have…

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Testing, testing , 1, 2, 3!

Testing times in my room this week, with reading tests being done for those children new to the school, reading, spelling and mathematics tests for others and even a sounds test! Phew! If the children aren’t exhausted, I am and will be glad when we are back on our normal timetable next…

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Practice what you preach!

Whoops…I knew there was something I needed to remember before we broke up for half term…it was to do my blog and I forgot. I must remember to practice the memory games I’m always telling others to do!

The children worked really hard in the week leading up to half term. They applied the…

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Faster than The Flash!

As if by magic, the end of the half term is here and we are ready for a week in the sun. If not sun, we are ready for a relaxing week with our feet up. 

Thank you for a fantastic half term in Bronze Class, we have had a very fun time learning lots of new things. 

Take care on your holidays…

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Lacey's Blog


On Monday we had our last basketball session in PE. Mr Blackburn got hit in the face with the basketball; it was hilarious! We also completed more work for our Working Wall on The Hobbit. You can now we key vocabulary and definitions, key characters, riddles and interpertations of Gollum…

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