4 weeks and counting......
This week we have had our final SATs practice before the week itself. We completed, SPAG, Mathematics and Reading tests. These tests were carried out exactly as they will be on the week to give us an understanding of the adults in our room and what time of day our tests may be. Mr Blackburn shared…
Ottoline and the Nosey Class.
Busy, busy, busy and another busy.
That is the one word to describe what we have been up to in Bronze Class this week.
We have been completing Mathematics tests and Mr Bamber is very pleased with the results.
People who got 10/10 are, Nicole Smith, Atlanta-Georgia, Max, Finlay (also…
An Island Home
Welcome to summer term!!
What a fantastic week we have had in Rainbow class.
We have worked very hard this week in maths, revising what we have learnt so far in year 2. We have also been learning about using the inverse to find missing numbers as well as revising multiplication and…
Spring into the new term
On Monday we started our week by having a spring walk, we talked about what we could see and what we could hear.
Brodey 'We saw three squirrels'
Harrison 'I can here the birds singing'
The children started making Spring pictures using different textures such as grass, sand, paint,…
Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns!
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
If you have no sons,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If your sons don't like them,
They're the only ones,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
I don't tell jokes
End of Spring term in year 5
On Monday we went swimming, so we didn’t do any maths or English. In swimming we had fun Easter actives. When we got back it was lunch time. After lunch we normally have Mrs Johnson but Mrs Johnson wasn’ t in so we had Mr Mearns and we started are e-safety power points then it was home time.
End of Spring Term
It has been another busy week in Gold class to round off this hectic Spring Term. On Monday half the class went to Fulwood to continue the swimming programme whilst the rest of us stayed with Mr Blackburn and revised. In the afternoon we carried out our weekly arithmetic paper and our class scores…
Too busy to summarise!
Well what a week Moonbeam class have had. On Monday the children continued to learn about Good Friday and re-enacted the main events. The children designed and started to make their moving house picture.
On Tuesday the children learnt about Easter Monday and wrote a diary extract from the view…
What an eggcellent week
This week we have had lots of fun doing different Easter activities.
On Monday we made easter chicks on paper plates using paint and feathers. The children told us what they thought about easter.
"Easter is special because we get eggs" Iyla-Rose
"You can give Easter cards to your friends…
United we stand...divided we fall! That's a joke!
I’m not entirely sure where the time is going, but we are suddenly at the end of the Spring term, with just a hint of Spring weather to go with it! What have the year six children been doing who have come out to me this week? In mathematics, we went over some of the long-multiplication questions…
Green week in Diamond Class
On Monday we went swimming and that covered English and maths and when we got back we had lunch. After lunch we had Mrs Johnson and we made our musical instruments.
On Tuesday in English we deigned a fair ground ride. Then it was break. After break it was maths and we did fractions. Then it was…
Green week
This week in school has been Green Week and what a busy week it’s been, we have done lots of different activities and learnt lots about how we can all do our bit for the environment.
On Monday we did PE with Silver class, Miss Wilson taught us all some dance moves, we did this because exercise…