Rain, what rain?

How did we avoid the rain this week?

The infants had fun playing football and tag rugby this week. They really do know how to enjoy themselves the infants. Every day they just seem to have as much fun as possible. the goal of the week came from Alan. He collected the ball on the half way line,…

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Poetry In Battle

This week we turned our attention to poetry in wartime, following the conclusion of our topic on Pompeii. We began the week by discussing the key poetic features that we should be able to identify and use in poetry in year 6 (onomatopoeia, metaphors, similes, repetition, and alliteration). We then…

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Beacon Fell

This week has been a very busy week in Rainbow class! 

On Monday we continued learning about The Great Fire of London and the children wrote their own diary entries as Samuel Pepys. We have now finished our topic on the fire and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about it. 


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Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Alpha Bronze. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

This week, Bronze Class has been turned into a exploring space ship. We…

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This week has been truely magical as we have been reading 'Room on the broom' by Julia Donaldson. Our activities including making witches, wands, spells in our couldron and collaging spooky words have been lots of fun.

On Wednesday Sunshine class went to Beacon fell and had a wonderful time…

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Got that Friday feeling

Well its Friday already…

This week has just flown by. The weather held off just enough for us to get a few days of sports and fun in this week.

The infants had lots of fun playing football and tag rugby this week, with great help from the junior referees. It’s great to see how sensible these…

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To the stars and beyond

Image of To the stars and beyond

As the week comes to an end, today we have been reflecting upon our class trip to Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre. Wednesday got off to a really bad start. A major accident closing the M6 motorway in the morning saw Preston grid locked. We eventually managed to get out of Preston and made it down…

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This week has been a creative week of Autumn fun. We have made leaf charms, bird feeders and season posters.

Sunshine class have enjoyed finding out about the different seasons and how each one is different because of the weather.

In maths this week we have been ordering our numbers to 10,…

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Nature, Nature, Nature

Another brilliant week had by all of Moonbeam Class.

In English this week we have started to look at a recount. The children have been recalling the main events of Sam’s nature walks. The children have enjoyed learning about the different animals he saw on each of his journeys.

“Sam saw a…

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nurses run...

More spelling tests completed this week and there are (thankfully!) just a small number in year 1 to complete. Another good book club this week, with a couple of new faces. It was lovely to hear how people had got along with their book club book and to listen to them talking so enthusiastically…

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Last Monday, Next Friday...

This is not Friday!!!

Still running a little behind but never mind. These weeks are flying by at the minute, its difficult to keep up.

The infants enjoyed football and tag rugby this week and boy did they enjoy them. There’s definitely some future football stars in the making here; nutmegs,…

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Hooray for Harvest

What another wonderful week we have had in Sunshine class. Children have continued becoming familiar with the indoor and outdoor environments as they have chosen their own resources and activities to engage in throughout the week. The water and home corner areas have been very popular.

We have…

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